SBCC Vaquero Voices

Episode 57 - MaryLou Huerta

Episode Summary

Akil and Hong welcome MaryLou to the show to discuss Enrollment Services and how her outreach visits help get community students ready for SBCC. From there, the three discuss MaryLou's path to SBCC (twice over, since she was a former student as well), her love of Chili's Triple Dipper appetizer platter, and her lifelong love of folklórico dancing.

Episode Notes

Mentioned in this episode:

SBCC Enrollment Services -

SBCC Orientation -

SBCC Registration Workshops -

Financial Aid Technician Megan Ortega -

SBCC Academic Counseling -

SBCC Promise -

SBCC Steps to Enrollment -


SBCC Application Walkthrough -

SBCC Application Guide English -

SBCC Application Guide Spanish -

CCCApply -


Dream Act -



SBCC Foundation -

SBCC Rising Scholars -


SBCC Raíces -

SBCC Umoja -

SBCC Dream Center -

SBCC Noncredit ESL -

SBCC Apply and Enroll -

SBCC Enrollment Coaches -

Adolfo Corral -

Fiesta -

Chili’s Triple Dipper -

Mole Poblano -

Los Agaves -

Cuernavaca Ventura -

Tinga -

Pozole -

Horchata -

Tequila -

Raising Cane’s -

In-N-Out Burger -

Tostilocos -

La Michoacana -

Finney’s Crafthouse -

Cheese Pull -

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos -'_Hot_Cheetos

Lasagna -

Garfield -

Chicken Pho -

Love Pho Cafe (Pho in the Annex - Oxnard) -

Ume Chips -

Folklórico -

Spirit and Junior Spirit -

Danza Azteca -

Ozomatli -

Menudo (group) -

Linda Ronstadt -

Vicente Fernández -

Shakira -

Selena -

Pitbull -

Jalisco Folklórico -

Grupo Límite -


Brandy -

N.W.A. -

Coolio -

Radio Bronco -

Radio Lazer -

Los Bukis -

Santa Fe Swap Meet Dancing -

Episode Transcription

Captions Provided by Zoom



00:00:01.990 --> 00:00:11.510

Hong Lieu: Hello and welcome to another episode of SBCC Vaquero Voices - a podcast highlighting the unique voices that comprise our campus culture, and how we're all working together to serve our students and the community at large.



00:00:11.570 --> 00:00:13.500

Hong Lieu: As usual, I'm joined by Co-host Akil Hill.



00:00:13.500 --> 00:00:14.479

Akil Hill: What's good y'all.



00:00:14.480 --> 00:00:18.179

Hong Lieu: And today we're honored to welcome MaryLou Huerta to the show. Welcome, MaryLou.



00:00:18.180 --> 00:00:19.529

Akil Hill: Welcome MaryLou.



00:00:19.530 --> 00:00:23.990

MaryLou Huerta: Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for having me guys really excited.



00:00:23.990 --> 00:00:33.420

Hong Lieu: It's an honor to have you. You represent. You know, Enrollment services, student services. We had Vanessa on earlier in the, you know, show's history a while back. Yeah. So we kind of have.



00:00:33.550 --> 00:00:43.430

Hong Lieu: We kind of have a baseline of how enrollment services functions. If you want to just let the listeners know how you kind of fill in the gaps, or where your where your particular role lies with enrollment services, and just.



00:00:43.430 --> 00:00:55.410

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. So I am really the person that helps and assists with our local outreach, but not just local outreach. Right? So I actually am the one, the only.



00:00:56.070 --> 00:00:57.660

MaryLou Huerta: the only person really in the department.



00:00:57.660 --> 00:00:58.280

Akil Hill: That does.



00:00:58.470 --> 00:01:00.400

MaryLou Huerta: The one the what akil.



00:01:00.400 --> 00:01:01.680

Akil Hill: The one and the only.



00:01:02.000 --> 00:01:19.949

MaryLou Huerta: And the only. So I do our local and our out of area outreach. So really, with our local outreach right? That's going to really oversee providing services to our local high schools, whether they're the private schools, our small campuses, and then our private, so promise eligible students.



00:01:19.980 --> 00:01:24.800

MaryLou Huerta: and what I do with at our local high schools is really provide students with



00:01:24.890 --> 00:01:36.260

MaryLou Huerta: assisting and completing their steps to enrollment. Right? So, workshops so primarily, I go out to the high schools, and I do application workshops. We also have done. We've



00:01:36.270 --> 00:01:56.780

MaryLou Huerta: changed over the years how orientation is done, but our department also oversees orientation. And then I do registration workshops so really assist students with completing their application to Sbcc. Assist them with orientation, and then, lastly, with registering for classes. Along with those, though we also do monthly visits at the high schools. So



00:01:56.910 --> 00:02:14.310

MaryLou Huerta: not only are we there doing the big workshops and helping students complete those the key steps to enrollment is, I'm also going out taking key folks with me. So I'll take representative from financial services. Normally, it's megatron. I gotta give my girl a shout out. Sorry! But you know



00:02:14.310 --> 00:02:39.290

MaryLou Huerta: oh, Megan's dude. She's the real one, but you know key folks that help our students, so I'll take financial aid with us normally. That's that's Megan. And then each individual high school has their assigned academic counselor. So example, Carpenteria, you have Maria Morales at Santa Barbara you have Jen Hamilton or Jennifer Hamilton, and then this year they did a little bit of a switchy route.



00:02:39.290 --> 00:03:06.529

MaryLou Huerta: But at Santa Marcos High school we have this year Christy Grant, and then at Dp is Sabrina Barajas, and then Sabrina also serves some of our smaller schools, so like La Cuesta and Altavista campuses, and then she actually supports me with some of our out of district schools as well. So during those monthly visits I bring academic counseling financial aid. But I also bring folks from the promise. So, Luis and Denise, they both come out with me, and we're really wanting to bring



00:03:06.920 --> 00:03:27.590

MaryLou Huerta: the services out to the high schools, and it kind of be a catch, all right if students have questions about hey? You know what I haven't done my application, or hey? I submitted. My application still can't get into pipeline, or I don't even know where to get started. I can't remember if I applied. Do I need to do orientation, all of those things right? So those monthly visits are really meant



00:03:27.650 --> 00:03:34.129

MaryLou Huerta: to be a catch-all. Students have questions they can come in check in. Ask any of those questions, and then we'll guide them



00:03:34.260 --> 00:03:39.869

MaryLou Huerta: kind of make sure they're taken care of. And then



00:03:40.823 --> 00:04:07.980

MaryLou Huerta: for orientation. We traditional, I mean orientation has kind of changed over the years. This year we do have some exciting fun, things planned for orientation. Our plan and our goal is to bring all of our local high School seniors who have applied to CC. To our Spcc campus and really highlight campus. Right? Why really show them why they want to come here. Why should these students be coming right? Not just because they're promise students. But



00:04:08.220 --> 00:04:26.229

MaryLou Huerta: you know the benefits of campus, highlighting campus life, highlighting some of the amazing support programs we have here, and then we'll wrap up our department enrollment services will wrap up with registration workshops in early June. But along with that students. Right? Our 1st year students, I actually have a question for you guys.



00:04:26.270 --> 00:04:28.049

MaryLou Huerta: I know Akio could probably.



00:04:28.060 --> 00:04:34.390

MaryLou Huerta: But could either one of you guys list the steps to enrollment that our see, our 1st year students have to complete all 6.



00:04:35.550 --> 00:04:36.140

Akil Hill: I'm like.



00:04:36.140 --> 00:04:41.120

Hong Lieu: I don't think I could. And I actually help update the website to keep them up to date. And I don't even think I could.



00:04:42.010 --> 00:04:42.910

MaryLou Huerta: So.



00:04:43.330 --> 00:05:11.239

MaryLou Huerta: And that's 1 of my biggest things. Right is just bringing awareness that you know not just our students ending up in these classrooms or in these programs or in these support areas, right is, there are a lot of steps that are 1st year and even transfer students that they have to go through to get to where to get them into that classroom right to get them on that athletic team to get them into that support program, and I will say that I really think our department is



00:05:11.270 --> 00:05:33.469

MaryLou Huerta: not the only ones that assist. But we we really are the main ones, right. And we really try to also work with other departments across campus, in ensuring that these students are getting the support that they need, which is why we do those monthly visits. But I just want to highlight to everybody and kind of just clarify. So we all know what our steps to enrollment are for 1st year students. So students will begin with submitting their application.



00:05:33.560 --> 00:05:57.420

MaryLou Huerta: The next step is, we want them to activate their new, my Spcc portal. Right after that we want students. The 3rd step is to check their placement right? Because students are no longer required to take those math, and English assessments want to make sure that they're on the right page, that they, when these young adults completed their application, that they entered the correct information. So we're going to go ahead and check math and English levels that they entered, because



00:05:57.640 --> 00:06:02.399

MaryLou Huerta: we are trusting that these young adults successfully enter the information correctly.



00:06:02.450 --> 00:06:27.279

MaryLou Huerta: After that, after placement we go into orientation. And whether a student decides to do an online, the online orientation, or if they're a local student, then they're going to get that in person orientation. After that is class planning. Right? So that's when the academic counselors will or students will work with the academic counselors to clear that hold right. They complete their student. Ed plan kind of like the roadmap of what to take.



00:06:27.300 --> 00:06:54.030

MaryLou Huerta: depending on what their career academic goals are. And then at the end is registration, and we all know, based on the different student types. Students will have different registration times or in windows. So it is really my job, especially for our local schools and our local students to support all of our seniors that are coming to us, our promise eligible students to assist them through that whole process, right to kind of be that person. Hey? You have an IP, you have a 504. Okay, let me get you connected to Christian. He's going to be



00:06:54.030 --> 00:06:57.959

MaryLou Huerta: kind of your go to person who's gonna get you started. So



00:06:57.960 --> 00:07:25.989

MaryLou Huerta: it's not something, you know, when people are like, oh, you're really the one that gets it done. I don't look at it that way, because there's no way I'd be able to go out and do this if it wasn't for the rest of the department. Right, Christy, Liz Vanessa support if it wasn't, for you know, Christian from Dsps coming out and connecting with our, you know, Dsps, eligible students, or even those non eligible students. I was one of those students, you know. I went to CC. Never knew I had a learning disability till I got here?



00:07:27.080 --> 00:07:44.799

MaryLou Huerta: so making sure that you know I'm working across these different departments and connecting them so that these students are getting the support and the resources that resources that they need. So when they get here, they're being, they're successful or hopefully successful, right? But that's for local. So I also do our out of area



00:07:44.800 --> 00:08:00.629

MaryLou Huerta: outreach. So that means North County, South County. But I also get to. I've had some amazing opportunities to travel through California and out of State and participate in national college fairs. And that's probably one of the



00:08:01.130 --> 00:08:05.689

MaryLou Huerta: more funner things about my job is being able to share how



00:08:06.030 --> 00:08:18.370

MaryLou Huerta: much of an amazing campus. Sbcc is and can be to our students and to our community. You know, I'm a product of this college. I'm a product of many of our support programs. So, having the opportunity



00:08:18.760 --> 00:08:28.890

MaryLou Huerta: to truly share my journey and my experience that I had as a student here and now have as an employee, I think, is one of the coolest parts about my job, right?



00:08:30.470 --> 00:08:38.160

MaryLou Huerta: so hopefully that encompasses for the most part kind of what I do. But yeah, it is me, only me. And so it's funny. When I get to go to these



00:08:38.220 --> 00:08:42.990

MaryLou Huerta: college fairs, people will ask me other reps. Oh, how many? How big is your team?



00:08:43.030 --> 00:08:44.960

MaryLou Huerta: I'm like, well, we have a department.



00:08:45.080 --> 00:08:49.690

MaryLou Huerta: But when it comes to the outreach component, right? It really is me on the road.



00:08:50.160 --> 00:09:02.730

Hong Lieu: And I will anoint you as the hardest working person in show business, because a telltale sign, a telltale sign of the people that do the most is, they always say everyone says I do the most, but really it's and then you name all the team members.



00:09:02.730 --> 00:09:04.569

MaryLou Huerta: I work with you. That's a telltale.



00:09:04.570 --> 00:09:20.159

Hong Lieu: Sign of someone who's doing the most, because helping to bring all that together and make it a well oiled machine and make these visits as effective as they can be for the students that you're serving. That's on you. So you know, I mean, you gotta. You gotta. We gotta give you the flowers while you can smell them, and.



00:09:20.160 --> 00:09:44.940

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, you know, Hong, you're part of that team, both of you guys, I mean, think about it, Hong. How many zooms trainings have you helped me with, you know, expanding my knowledge in creating and updating the website so that our local schools, our students, our parents, have a space to go and say, Oh, my kids, at Santa Barbara High School, I can go onto that web page and look at next time you're going to be there I can see workshop dates, all that stuff. So



00:09:45.280 --> 00:09:54.860

MaryLou Huerta: you know I do. I help organize this stuff? Yes, I help organize it. But could I put it on without everybody. No, like it would never happen. There's just no way.



00:09:54.860 --> 00:10:20.290

Hong Lieu: Which is fair, but just like you can't give yourself your own nickname you can't give, you can't be. Tell yourself that you're the hardest working person show business. But we can tell that we can say and just hearing you describe the passion in your work and the amount that go amount of work that goes into teacher visits and helping students get across that finish line. I mean for the record in my mind. I didn't have the placement step, and then I added a financial aid step. But I was pretty close to enrollment, but not quite there, not quite. There.



00:10:20.290 --> 00:10:47.340

MaryLou Huerta: And then we don't want to forget, especially for our promise students that promise often right? And that's something we're constantly reminding students because it's on them right to do these steps right. They have to take the initiative. They they really have to also advocate for themselves. And that's definitely something that I hopefully am trying to get across with all of our students is you? You gotta learn to try to advocate for yourself and ask the questions, and there are no dumb questions. Right? Because



00:10:47.340 --> 00:11:04.799

MaryLou Huerta: for a lot of us, I know I'm a 1st Gen. Student. I had to figure this out on my own, or with some support. Right? And what I mean, like some support, is, once you find those people, you kind of hold on to them, and then those become your people of well, this person can help advocate for me, or this person I know is going to help remind me of these things.



00:11:06.430 --> 00:11:09.499

Hong Lieu: So I have 2 questions for you, then, in that respect, in terms of



00:11:09.600 --> 00:11:14.329

Hong Lieu: for students in or your your audience, high school students in the area and out of the area.



00:11:14.350 --> 00:11:40.490

Hong Lieu: Is there one part of the process that is the most difficult? I mean, is it just the application? Or is there other other pieces that in terms of giving the advanced information? And then a second, the second follow up would be, is there a piece of information that you tell them that always kind of shocks them like. Oh, I didn't know Sbcc was, I mean, besides, the fact that it's like the most beautiful campus in the world, and you're right by the beach. But is there one that we're like? Oh, wow! That changes everything like. Why, why didn't I consider Sbcc before. This is incredible.



00:11:40.850 --> 00:11:46.270

MaryLou Huerta: So I would say so. Let's answer the 1st question. So the 1st one, what's the hardest part?



00:11:47.400 --> 00:11:55.160

MaryLou Huerta: so I wouldn't say that the steps themselves tend to be challenging or hard. What I think tends to be challenging is



00:11:55.260 --> 00:12:07.350

MaryLou Huerta: the is the figuring out how to even get started right? More so, especially for students that are first, st Gen. English is not their 1st language right? Students



00:12:07.410 --> 00:12:14.750

MaryLou Huerta: like, I see myself in a lot of these students. Right? My parents were adamant and very vocal. You're going to go to college.



00:12:14.750 --> 00:12:15.220

Hong Lieu: You can.



00:12:15.220 --> 00:12:20.039

MaryLou Huerta: Work. But college is going to be and getting a higher education is going to be



00:12:20.680 --> 00:12:22.700

MaryLou Huerta: a goal, and that's a priority.



00:12:22.850 --> 00:12:32.460

MaryLou Huerta: Did my parents know what kind of degree I would get, or certificate, or anything at community college? No. Did they know the transfer process? No. Did they know that?



00:12:33.000 --> 00:12:53.150

MaryLou Huerta: You know, I should have maybe been getting support early on, so that going to a 4 year right after high school could have been an option instead of community college. No, they didn't know. So a lot of times, right when I'm out in the community, whether it's doing a parent presentation, a senior class presentation, or a college fair is, I think, the hardest part sometimes



00:12:53.550 --> 00:12:54.420

MaryLou Huerta: is



00:12:54.570 --> 00:13:19.599

MaryLou Huerta: almost educating the families and the parents, especially when there are those language barriers, or those cultural barriers or those educational barriers of being 1st Gen. Students is they don't know how to even get started right and hopefully, with the presentations that we do. The outreach that we do. The family engagement that we try to do is breaking down those barriers so that parents and families and students



00:13:19.600 --> 00:13:42.940

MaryLou Huerta: feel empowered to ask those questions I need to apply. How can I get started once you are doing, for example, our Spcc application right? I've created application guides in English and Spanish. And there's a Youtube video that walks you through the entire process and hopefully helps alleviate any stress. Now, questions will still come up because



00:13:43.190 --> 00:13:51.539

MaryLou Huerta: these students are completing. And I'm just going to focus on the 1st year student, right? These students are completing this application as a 1st year college student.



00:13:51.690 --> 00:14:05.559

MaryLou Huerta: but it's asking questions where they have to think in the future of. Did I receive my high School diploma? Well, I'm still in high school, so I haven't received it yet. So these those little questions are things that sometimes they can get mixed up with and



00:14:05.700 --> 00:14:19.480

MaryLou Huerta: can cause confusion. But I think it causes more confusion when there are those cultural, those language barriers, those like 1st gen barriers, right? Is because they haven't had anybody go through that process to say, oh, well, you have to



00:14:19.900 --> 00:14:26.900

MaryLou Huerta: answer this application as if you've already you're going to graduate with that mindset. Right? So I would say, that's



00:14:27.170 --> 00:14:36.029

MaryLou Huerta: one of the harder things is parents sometimes, and families and students don't know where to even get started because they don't always have that initial



00:14:37.500 --> 00:14:41.460

MaryLou Huerta: I don't wanna say knowledge. But they just don't have. Yeah, I guess that knowledge for doing that. Yeah.



00:14:42.030 --> 00:14:45.439

MaryLou Huerta: I just didn't want to kind of take that away from parents that maybe



00:14:47.370 --> 00:14:57.200

MaryLou Huerta: are trying. But they just don't have the tools right? They just may not have those tools to do that. So I think that's 1 of the hardest things, is really not knowing how to get started and



00:14:57.660 --> 00:15:07.130

MaryLou Huerta: and where to go from there. So anytime I'm I'm connecting with students or families. I am not assuming that these parents know what Ccc apply means.



00:15:07.550 --> 00:15:16.530

MaryLou Huerta: I'm not assuming that these students know what Fafsa Dream Act, Ccpg means. These are all foreign terms to a lot of our



00:15:16.900 --> 00:15:29.100

MaryLou Huerta: of our families of the community. Right. I know if I were to go and ask my dad. Hey? Do you know what the pass for the or in Spanish, you know. Dream act. He's not going to know how to answer those questions. So I think a lot of times it's like



00:15:29.280 --> 00:15:32.740

MaryLou Huerta: the hardest part is not having the information.



00:15:33.150 --> 00:15:48.209

MaryLou Huerta: and so hopefully by me going out. And you know me being bilingual. I'm hopefully and not just me. But you know the rest of the team members. The rest of these folks that do this outreach to and that assist and support me with outreach is hopefully, we're just breaking down those those barriers and.



00:15:48.220 --> 00:15:49.369

Hong Lieu: And I'm glad you brought that



00:15:49.370 --> 00:16:03.610

Hong Lieu: up, because even for my parents were the same way, you're definitely going to college, but we are unable to give you any assistance, and how to get there. What you need to know, because they never went to school, if not for my 2 older sisters with the blue. They they kind of laid the path for me.



00:16:03.630 --> 00:16:17.479

Hong Lieu: If it was just me being the 1st one to go to college in my family. I probably wouldn't have gone because I wouldn't have known how to fill application. I wouldn't have any idea how to do any of that stuff, Fafsa. The Fafsa is so intimidating, filling it out. And college applications are so intimidating



00:16:17.500 --> 00:16:36.179

Hong Lieu: that without that little bit of a nudge to be like, yeah, we want you to go, and we can help you, because my parents definitely wanted me to go. But they had 0 ability to provide any sort of assistance. They couldn't call for help. They couldn't ask anybody for help. There weren't those kind of that. What? That level of translation was not available in my parents, you know language of Cantonese, so there was just no assistance there at that time.



00:16:36.200 --> 00:16:56.300

Hong Lieu: and you know my sisters luckily laid the blueprint for me, but it's good that the the community here has folks like you and folks that are kind of ready to help knowing that that's a big, a big gap, and especially your experience as as a former student yourself. I mean just having that path being being tread before. I mean, that's that's really awesome that you're here for the community.



00:16:56.740 --> 00:17:19.897

Akil Hill: Well, you know also what I kind of hear from listening from. You know, both you guys is like it's, you know, we always talk about generational wealth, right? And we also, it's there's that piece of, you know, generational knowledge, right? And so, yeah, you know, our parents can say, like, we want you to go to school, but in terms of being able to access that is a whole different kind of situation. You know what I mean like



00:17:20.480 --> 00:17:41.220

Akil Hill: And and we see that when we talk about communities that you know of color, you know, like the likelihood of your parent having gone and attended and graduated from an institution of higher Ed. You're going to be more likely to know how to navigate that system, because, you know, they're going to share that information in that in that knowledge with you.



00:17:41.220 --> 00:18:02.250

Akil Hill: The other piece to me that I also hear, too, is like really trying to get our students to make a shift, like we all know, after high school comes college. But sometimes there's a mental shift like you're like you. In some ways. I don't want to say you've been conditioned, but all through, from elementary to junior high to high school. It's kind of all been done for you now, all of a sudden.



00:18:02.410 --> 00:18:26.330

Akil Hill: It's a there's a mental shift that you have to make like. I'm actually going to college. And I got to find my community where you almost like going from elementary all the way up to high school. There's almost a built in community there for you. And so I think that's the piece of having people such as like Mary Lou, and people who are really warm and out, front and welcoming, who have great energy like Mary Lou.



00:18:26.630 --> 00:18:39.230

Akil Hill: is, is so so impactful to our students. And you know I had once the great fortune of being able to travel, and Vanessa Pelton asked me to if I could do some.



00:18:39.520 --> 00:18:50.610

Akil Hill: It was like a weekend thing. It was called Success Week up in the bay. So I traveled, and so it was really cool. I got to kind of see, probably what you're doing when you get to brag about all the great things that



00:18:50.630 --> 00:19:00.420

Akil Hill: that we have going on here, and it for me. It felt like it was a refresher in my job to to be able to see the people who want to go to where you're at, you know.



00:19:00.530 --> 00:19:06.369

Akil Hill: and so it's. It's a great, great thing. I mean definitely great to have you on our campus, Mary Lou.



00:19:06.370 --> 00:19:07.250

MaryLou Huerta: Thank you.



00:19:07.761 --> 00:19:13.478

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. And honestly, I do feel lucky to be in the role that I am.



00:19:14.160 --> 00:19:27.029

MaryLou Huerta: Akil probably remembers this hong. I don't know if you know this, but when I 1st came to CC. I actually started in Eops I was a spa in Eops. That's when I started in 2016. And, man, I remember when I got that job it was like



00:19:27.060 --> 00:19:47.549

MaryLou Huerta: my dream job had opened up like I was so excited I remember being a student in the caf, having my chicken tendies with my bestie Christina, and who also works here, by the way, and I remember we'd both be like, Oh, my God, how cool would it be to work here! And like all the you know, we just we could envision it, we could see it. And so.



00:19:47.690 --> 00:20:13.820

MaryLou Huerta: having that door open up for me in 2016, and get to come and work in the Ops. And connect with students right and support students. The way I got supported as a student was probably one of the most rewarding things. And then, in 2019 is when I walked into the enrollment Services world. And that door opened up to me, and having that transition even opened up like



00:20:13.920 --> 00:20:20.079

MaryLou Huerta: like my mind, even more so right, and it gave me the ability to really work across



00:20:20.160 --> 00:20:23.970

MaryLou Huerta: the campus and with other folks, and with other departments. Really, because



00:20:24.120 --> 00:20:47.220

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, y'all know me. I love making friends, and I love connecting and talking to people, and that's also one of the reasons I try, and sometimes not to leave my office when I'm on campus. Because, man, if I bump into you, it's for sure we're gonna start talking about what food the weekend babies now, I mean, just it's endless right? Which is one of the cool things. But that's also why I like my job so much in the outreach component. Because



00:20:47.290 --> 00:20:54.983

MaryLou Huerta: now I get to talk to students to families about the benefits, and this will lead me into my second answer.



00:20:55.390 --> 00:21:02.010

MaryLou Huerta: hung of an appeal of what makes Sbcc so special to other students right? Kind of like. Why.



00:21:02.080 --> 00:21:16.010

MaryLou Huerta: I don't want to say I try to convince students, because I tell them my job is not to convince you to come to CC. My job is to share with you the different opportunities that are out there through through our college. And I because some students will come to me and say, Well.



00:21:16.070 --> 00:21:19.210

MaryLou Huerta: but I got accepted at Ucsb. And I got a full ride.



00:21:19.840 --> 00:21:48.129

MaryLou Huerta: Then what are you doing talking to me? Go get that, if that is your goal, my job and I tell them my will. Never try to convince you to do something right for students that you don't want to do. If you have your goal, your mindset on doing this, then that's I should support you with that. And if I have connections there, if I can connect you with somebody there or highlight a program, hey? I'm going to do that. But one of the things I think that really I have an easy part of talking about our college is again because



00:21:48.250 --> 00:22:01.428

MaryLou Huerta: I am a product of this college. I am a product of of our programs. I am at Spcc. I am, you know, my story started here at CC. Back when I was, you know, 17 going on 18 years old.



00:22:01.790 --> 00:22:27.789

MaryLou Huerta: when I 1st came to campus and not knowing how to do really anything, and a fun fact that some, not few folks might know, but actually have older siblings. I have an older sister, who's 10 years older than me, who did go to college has a college degree, and then I have a brother of 8 who's 8 years older than me, and then me, the middle child, who really acts like the oldest and then my younger sister. But I remember.



00:22:27.790 --> 00:22:33.619

MaryLou Huerta: you know, although even my sister really pushed college. I still didn't have



00:22:33.910 --> 00:22:43.349

MaryLou Huerta: that support right? Maybe that support that like. Now, I'm able to really provide the next generation. My kids, my nieces, my nephews, like I still didn't have that handholding of.



00:22:43.380 --> 00:23:12.649

MaryLou Huerta: Hey? Don't forget you have to play basketball is open. It's opening early December, you know. What's what are your plans with that I still didn't have that, even though, and you know part of it was that age gap. Part of it was. You know, she was living her college life. She you know, she was not my parent. Even though a lot of times that responsibility tends to be put on the older siblings, you know. And I don't fault her for that. It was. There was a big age gap, you know. She was doing her thing. But going back to, you know.



00:23:13.620 --> 00:23:20.089

MaryLou Huerta: some of the things that really catch students attention is. And eyes is really when I'm sharing my story is



00:23:20.380 --> 00:23:22.580

MaryLou Huerta: we, we truly have some of the



00:23:22.780 --> 00:23:40.049

MaryLou Huerta: the best support programs in the State. I mean, we probably have one of the best Eops programs in the State of California. Right? I mean, we have. I remember when I was in Eops we would have folks from A, you know, colleges up north coming to to meet with us. Observe our our Eops program and a lot of.



00:23:40.150 --> 00:23:46.399

MaryLou Huerta: and I'm not saying the only reason. But you know we have an amazing foundation that really makes having



00:23:46.440 --> 00:23:51.870

MaryLou Huerta: eops is some of the support programs within eops like running start, you know.



00:23:51.890 --> 00:23:57.219

MaryLou Huerta: Formerly, you know, transitions which is now rising scholars and and spark. It makes



00:23:58.190 --> 00:24:09.919

MaryLou Huerta: our foundation really helps fund a lot of these programs. Right? But we really do have one of the best Ops programs in the State. The support that I got through them through Dsps, you know, getting tested, not



00:24:09.990 --> 00:24:21.359

MaryLou Huerta: not even knowing I had a learning disability till I got to CC. And sharing all those opportunities and experiences our study abroad. You know we're one of the few community colleges in the State. And



00:24:21.360 --> 00:24:44.559

MaryLou Huerta: sharing that, sharing my experience of how I got to study abroad. It was hard work. Oh, man, it was hard work, and I'm real with students, you know. I I share my truth. You know I saved for a whole year I was doing yard sales. I was working at the Swami and selling at the Swami. I was recycle's like, I didn't know this. I was dude. I was literally recycling my cans and water bottles for a whole year



00:24:44.560 --> 00:24:51.980

MaryLou Huerta: at my old job. That's when I worked for the school district the preschool parents would come, bring me their cans and their water bottles.



00:24:52.020 --> 00:24:56.759

MaryLou Huerta: so that I could recycle them and put my that money or that savings towards studying abroad.



00:24:56.780 --> 00:25:11.889

MaryLou Huerta: So it's those unique programs, right? It's our athletics. It's, you know, our our newer programs like Rice's. All these, you know, Emoja Dream Center, that make our campus so unique and so desirable for our students. Because



00:25:12.530 --> 00:25:15.349

MaryLou Huerta: whatever student you know.



00:25:16.630 --> 00:25:34.100

MaryLou Huerta: all these students come from different backgrounds, different needs right? And when they start to see a little bit of them reflected in the person who is doing outreach, or when they start to see. Wait. There's a program that can support, you know, my area of interest or my cultural needs.



00:25:34.230 --> 00:25:38.480

MaryLou Huerta: That is that sparks that interest for students



00:25:38.660 --> 00:25:40.000

MaryLou Huerta: feel like I'm rambling. Does that.



00:25:40.000 --> 00:25:40.790

Hong Lieu: No, that that.



00:25:40.790 --> 00:25:41.620

Akil Hill: Yes, that makes sense.



00:25:41.620 --> 00:25:43.340

Hong Lieu: Actually a great answer.



00:25:43.340 --> 00:25:47.470

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. So just you know, being a part.



00:25:47.470 --> 00:25:48.310

MaryLou Huerta: So do you.



00:25:48.310 --> 00:25:52.229

MaryLou Huerta: I went to San Sebastian, Spain because.



00:25:52.230 --> 00:25:52.679

Hong Lieu: Go ahead!



00:25:52.680 --> 00:25:59.449

MaryLou Huerta: Honestly, I just wanted to go to Europe, this little brown girl man. I wanted to go to Europe so bad I just thought it was like the coolest thing to be able to want to go to Europe.



00:25:59.530 --> 00:26:16.590

MaryLou Huerta: and I was the 1st in my family to go to Europe. I mean even now, you know, I remember. Oh, my God! Makes me like emotional. But I remember one day I called my dad, and they were at the Santa Barbara Swami back in the drive-in, the Golita one, because my parents still be selling. They'd be hustlers. They'd be selling at the Ventura Swami



00:26:16.862 --> 00:26:32.660

MaryLou Huerta: To this day. My dad's 82 still sells, and we were. I called him, and they were all at the Golita Swami, and you got like I still remember, like I feel like I could still hear him. It's 1 of those things that like, I think will always stay with me. But I remember calling him.



00:26:32.660 --> 00:26:46.900

MaryLou Huerta: and I was in it. I was at the Vatican, and I had called him, and because I ended up, you know, to be young and just like I. I'm a planner, and I'm safe. But some of those things that I like did. I'm like.



00:26:47.030 --> 00:26:57.440

MaryLou Huerta: I studied abroad, and then I was like, you know I'm not going to be ready to go home yet. So I just want to travel through Europe. I had no plan, you guys, I just knew that like where I needed to be to come home. And that was it. So, anyway?



00:26:57.440 --> 00:27:02.700

MaryLou Huerta: Nice, my dad, one day, and or on a Sunday, they're at the Golido Swami, and



00:27:02.820 --> 00:27:06.309

MaryLou Huerta: the like, the joy in his voice, and



00:27:06.460 --> 00:27:27.720

MaryLou Huerta: how he started like bragging to all the customers, there, to some of the vendors around like. Oh, my God! You know she you know my dad's only Spanish speaker, and was just telling them, and I'm like, Hold on! What do you want me to bring you from here from the Vatican like. What do you want? And I remember he asked for holy water and a cross, and he still has that, and I'm like you can use the holy water, and



00:27:27.720 --> 00:27:42.719

MaryLou Huerta: he's just like, no, that's like the holiest of holy waters. My parents are Catholic, and so am I. But anyways, yeah. So that was, you know, that was one of the coolest things. But I went to San Sebastian Spain, and although I'm a Spanish speaker. My writing and reading was not always the best, and so I was like, you know.



00:27:43.060 --> 00:27:50.870

MaryLou Huerta: I kind of wanted to stay like in my comfort zone of like at least knowing the language and being comfortable. But I still wanted



00:27:51.170 --> 00:28:06.629

MaryLou Huerta: to go, you know, and be in a different environment, and that was the only time I had a roommate, and I feel like really got to experience like that college life of, you know, being amongst other college students and having a roommate and all of those things. So



00:28:06.870 --> 00:28:12.910

MaryLou Huerta: yeah, and you know, being able to share that story with a lot of our in 1st time



00:28:13.020 --> 00:28:38.710

MaryLou Huerta: incoming college students as they start to see it. Because a lot of them, you know, I'll ask them like, Hey, how many of you guys want to study abroad? Or is that something you're interested in? And view? I'm like, Okay, how many of you want to go? But you don't know how you're going to pay for it, everybody right away. And it's like, Okay, that was me. And let me tell you how you can do that. And let me tell you of the support right that we have now through scholarships, through financial aid, and



00:28:39.240 --> 00:28:42.799

MaryLou Huerta: just hopefully spreading that knowledge. Right?



00:28:43.520 --> 00:28:44.010

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:28:44.010 --> 00:29:04.789

Hong Lieu: And the reason, yeah, that's the reason your answer is so good, because it's not about pointing to something that we're doing is just about bringing the realness and the truth of the situation. And then the students instantly kind of gravitate into that. And because the biggest thing like you're mentioning is, a lot of students don't see themselves as college students, or don't see themselves, as you know, ready for that leap, or you and and



00:29:04.790 --> 00:29:30.499

Hong Lieu: a part of it is that they don't even have to, because, you know the idea of going to college or after high school where other countries have gap years. And there are other things you can do. We should really kind of do better about making that a more normalized process. But also we should also normalize making more of the community see themselves as college students. And I think your answer is just highlights, that how important that is, and highlights, how it doesn't have to be difficult.



00:29:30.540 --> 00:29:53.289

Hong Lieu: But you really need the right people. You need people that can communicate with the people that you're trying to reach, because, you know, there's that that realness is not just. It doesn't just naturally exude, you know, come out from certain people in certain situations, and I can just tell that with you. It's just easy, you know, like, because that was you. It is not. It's not easy, because, you know, it's easy, because



00:29:53.290 --> 00:30:09.509

Hong Lieu: you you already did the hard part which is walking that path for yourself, and you can see how it was done, and so communicating to other people. You've made it easy, and in that, in that sense it's really something that I wish we were better at in terms of getting to more of the community and showing that they belong here at Sbcc.



00:30:09.520 --> 00:30:16.509

Hong Lieu: But it's something that it's. It's good to know that someone like you is in that position here, you know, for helping us kind of lead the charge there. So it's it's it's good to know.



00:30:16.510 --> 00:30:20.309

Akil Hill: Yeah, it's the lived experience, that's what it is, you know.



00:30:21.000 --> 00:30:22.999

MaryLou Huerta: 100%. It's that lived experience.



00:30:23.270 --> 00:30:30.220

Hong Lieu: And yeah, going to the Vatican for a Catholic that's like high end high end achievement right there. So I can see how proud your dad was, too.



00:30:30.400 --> 00:30:42.660

MaryLou Huerta: Well, and just have, you know, being able to share like my daughter's going to college. But you know she's she's studying abroad. And what does that mean? And you know, giving him the opportunity to explain that to his friends, you know.



00:30:42.770 --> 00:30:53.710

MaryLou Huerta: Because my parents were immigrants, you know. That's why they came here. That's that's why they came here to provide, you know, that future for their parents. Funny stories. My parents actually met in an Esl class here at CC.



00:30:54.040 --> 00:30:54.800

Hong Lieu: Oh!



00:30:55.270 --> 00:30:56.210

MaryLou Huerta: I know.



00:30:56.210 --> 00:30:58.919

Hong Lieu: How the connect. It's just generationally, just yeah.



00:30:58.920 --> 00:31:01.529

Akil Hill: Yeah, you were literally indebtedest. Vcc.



00:31:01.530 --> 00:31:05.329

MaryLou Huerta: I know, literally. Yeah. But they met in an Esl class.



00:31:05.470 --> 00:31:07.920

MaryLou Huerta: and I'm I'm pretty sure I mean my



00:31:08.120 --> 00:31:22.259

MaryLou Huerta: my dad beyond elementary school. Did not, you know, continue schooling, but you know he was in a new country, and well, you need to learn English, and luckily Sbcc, you know, has an Esl program and has those opportunities for



00:31:22.550 --> 00:31:27.539

MaryLou Huerta: for other members of our community. Right? And yeah, my parents were a product of the Esl program here.



00:31:28.860 --> 00:31:29.930

Hong Lieu: Very cool.



00:31:30.090 --> 00:31:30.950

Akil Hill: That's awesome.



00:31:31.280 --> 00:31:32.913

Hong Lieu: So last question on this



00:31:33.300 --> 00:31:35.199

Hong Lieu: ice outreach, and then we'll move on.



00:31:35.200 --> 00:31:36.080

MaryLou Huerta: On the outreach part.



00:31:36.080 --> 00:31:45.220

Hong Lieu: Yes. So for folks. What's the 1st place they should get started if they're gonna apply to Spcc, is it? Is it? Ccc apply? Is it our website.



00:31:45.530 --> 00:31:45.840

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:31:45.840 --> 00:31:48.010

Hong Lieu: Reaching out to you, or what's what's the best.



00:31:48.010 --> 00:31:50.380

MaryLou Huerta: Great for step for aspiring students.



00:31:50.380 --> 00:32:14.399

MaryLou Huerta: Great question. If students want to reach out to me, hey? The more the merrier you keep me employed. So contact me. If not honestly, that we have different types of students. Right? There are different students, types. So we have the 1st year student, those are really going to be students that are graduating right out of high school completed a Ged program. Really receiving their high school or Ged diploma right?



00:32:14.750 --> 00:32:20.759

MaryLou Huerta: and then we have our transfer students. We have our returning students.



00:32:21.100 --> 00:32:28.839

MaryLou Huerta: Every different type of student or every student type has a. They have different steps to enrollment that they need to do



00:32:29.010 --> 00:32:58.699

MaryLou Huerta: the best way to kind of navigate those. And Hong, you're a webmaster, so you really have simplified it. Right is going to our Sbcc website, Sbccedu, you can click on, apply and enroll, and then from there it lets you pick your different student type. Because let's not forget. We also have our dual enrollment and our noncredit campuses right? And those also have different steps to enrollment our dreamers. They have a different step to enrollment process because we want to make sure that



00:32:58.700 --> 00:33:14.829

MaryLou Huerta: all of these students are going through the right tunnels. But they're also going and getting the appropriate financial support that they need, whether it's financial aid or applying for different grants. Things like that. So really going to our website, I'm going to try to keep it short, even though, I rambled.



00:33:14.840 --> 00:33:23.609

MaryLou Huerta: going straight to our website identifying your student type. If you're not sure contact the Enrollment Services department stop by. If you can't stop by



00:33:23.700 --> 00:33:47.265

MaryLou Huerta: check us out on the website. You can always email us if you're not sure. Well, I graduated high school, but I didn't go anywhere. Would that be a returning student? No, you're still a 1st time college student, because you never took college classes. So really, just going on to our website identifying your student type and going through those steps. And then our enrollment Services office Chrissy has actually launched a great



00:33:47.580 --> 00:34:17.100

MaryLou Huerta: campaign or initiative, or, you know, enrollment coaches and her enrollment coaches are available for in person and zoom appointments to help students. Right? So we're hoping to kind of close those barriers for the students, and she's really working hard to support our students and whatever ways that they need that support, whether it's on a zoom appointment or in person or a phone appointment of guiding them through those steps to enrollment. So lots of different resources, if even for students, just to go on our enrollment services, webpage.



00:34:18.960 --> 00:34:23.440

Hong Lieu: Excellent. Thank you very much. I will get all the info in the show notes. I will get all the as much possible.



00:34:23.449 --> 00:34:24.139

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. Awesome.



00:34:24.139 --> 00:34:25.669

Hong Lieu: Your contact info as well.



00:34:25.719 --> 00:34:36.599

Hong Lieu: Segwaying along, you touched on this already. But what your what brought you? Sbcc. Or in your case? What brought you. Sbcc. Then what brought you back to Sbcc? I'm assuming you grew up in the area.



00:34:36.600 --> 00:34:49.920

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. So born and raised in Santa Barbara, born and raised in Santa Barbara. Moved my parents. You know Santa Barbara is really expensive. So for those folks listening that live here good for y'all, it is so expensive.



00:34:50.526 --> 00:34:56.870

MaryLou Huerta: But in when I was in the 6th grade my parents moved to Ventura. They bought a home. We were think we were very, you know. My parents



00:34:57.310 --> 00:35:00.190

MaryLou Huerta: really worked their way up, and you know.



00:35:00.660 --> 00:35:14.929

MaryLou Huerta: really, you know, they struggled, I mean, but they they worked, they saved, you know, and we were able to successfully buy a home in Ventura and that was as I was transitioning into 6th grade. So then finished up my



00:35:15.120 --> 00:35:21.150

MaryLou Huerta: middle school and high school years in Ventura, and then I always knew I wanted.



00:35:21.340 --> 00:35:22.630

Akil Hill: Did you go to Buena, or.



00:35:22.630 --> 00:35:24.420

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, no, I'm a cougar cougar, proud!



00:35:25.240 --> 00:35:35.840

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, my God, 20! Can you guys believe? 20 years ago, wild 20 years ago, was my high school reunion, anyways. Yeah. So that was 20. Yeah.



00:35:36.280 --> 00:35:44.650

MaryLou Huerta: So no. I went to Ventura, but I always knew I wanted to come back to Santa Barbara City College. I also through high school, did not always have.



00:35:44.820 --> 00:35:56.870

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, I did pretty well in high school. I did do well, but I didn't always have. I didn't have the grades of applying straight to a 4 year like there was no way that was going to happen of going to Ucsb, especially now I mean, you look at these kids that are



00:35:56.930 --> 00:36:03.253

MaryLou Huerta: not getting accepted with like 4.5 gpas. I am not a wizard, that it was not my Gpa.



00:36:03.610 --> 00:36:10.180

MaryLou Huerta: so I always knew that I wanted to come to Santa Barbara City College, though I always knew I felt like it was.



00:36:10.240 --> 00:36:28.440

MaryLou Huerta: I mean. It's a beautiful campus, but there was always more campus life. There was always things going on, so I always wanted to come here, and I wanted to have that experience of going away to college without not having to go away and just being able to be a commuter, because Ventura College would have been easy and accessible to me. But



00:36:28.440 --> 00:36:41.209

MaryLou Huerta: I wanted something different. I wanted to feel like, Okay, I'm going to community college. I want to change a pace. I want to see different people. I want to meet new people. So that's how we ended up coming to school here and then work. Wise



00:36:41.640 --> 00:36:55.929

MaryLou Huerta: did a lot of things. But my background was actually in early childhood education. A lot of people don't realize that I actually worked for shy of 10 years for Santa Barbara Unified Child Development Program before I had the opportunity to work at Antioch in admissions.



00:36:56.290 --> 00:37:04.439

MaryLou Huerta: And then it was through them that I really got my higher Ed experience. And then that's when a door opened up here at CC. Through Eops. And



00:37:04.520 --> 00:37:09.690

MaryLou Huerta: I will say that I remember when I got that call. I, you know, when



00:37:09.880 --> 00:37:20.830

MaryLou Huerta: I don't know if you guys have experienced this yet, or or if you have, but when you get that call from that job, that man. You just really want it. You get that little burning sensation inside. That was that call that I got for me, Ops.



00:37:21.070 --> 00:37:26.340

MaryLou Huerta: and I remember being so excited and so happy like feeling like man.



00:37:26.490 --> 00:37:31.325

MaryLou Huerta: You know I did it like I I made it. I got my job, my dream job



00:37:31.670 --> 00:37:47.059

MaryLou Huerta: And I loved it. I oversaw at 1 point running Star. I oversaw our guardian scholars program right where our formerly foster youth students. I had the Eops Club man some good times at the Eops Club. I supervised the peer mentors.



00:37:47.100 --> 00:37:57.680

MaryLou Huerta: and then in 2019 enrollment services opened up a new position, and it was going to be really to focus on the local outreach, local high school outreach and out of area.



00:37:57.840 --> 00:38:19.049

MaryLou Huerta: And I remember when I saw that job description, I'm like I could do this. I could do this, and I still remember my interview, and I remember Adolfo was on my interview committee, and him just being like, damn you! Killed it! I'm a i'm a planner, and I prepare. And I you know I do everything I can to



00:38:19.170 --> 00:38:27.589

MaryLou Huerta: get ready for my interviews, and I have to share this one of the things that I remember when they gave me, like my prompt for



00:38:27.770 --> 00:38:31.100

MaryLou Huerta: for the interview was, I had to prepare a presentation.



00:38:31.270 --> 00:38:35.310

MaryLou Huerta: and the presentation was geared to our local



00:38:35.360 --> 00:38:42.060

MaryLou Huerta: promise students, but their families. But it was a bilingual audience, or it was like mixed English and Spanish speakers.



00:38:42.370 --> 00:38:44.429

MaryLou Huerta: and I remember



00:38:45.500 --> 00:38:52.370

MaryLou Huerta: translating my whole presentation and having the slides available in English and in Spanish for my interview. Right? This is just the interview.



00:38:52.390 --> 00:38:57.939

MaryLou Huerta: but I also was able to get my hands on interpretation equipment, so like the whole headsets.



00:38:57.940 --> 00:38:58.760

Hong Lieu: Oh, wow!



00:38:59.430 --> 00:39:05.059

MaryLou Huerta: And I brought those in for my interview, and I set it up, and I mean I I put on a show.



00:39:05.940 --> 00:39:08.429

Hong Lieu: Having props and everything that's that's really good.



00:39:08.430 --> 00:39:10.789

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, if you're gonna do you do it right right.



00:39:11.270 --> 00:39:18.859

Akil Hill: And listen. I will say this. Speaking of. If you're gonna do it, do it right. I'm just gonna interject. I went to Mary Lou's baby shower.



00:39:18.860 --> 00:39:19.095

MaryLou Huerta: Oh!



00:39:19.330 --> 00:39:21.430

Akil Hill: And if you want to talk about doing it right.



00:39:21.430 --> 00:39:22.170

MaryLou Huerta: Time.



00:39:23.780 --> 00:39:32.600

Akil Hill: This tracks what she's saying about the bringing the the headpieces, and it tracks very much on bread for Mary Lou. When she does something. She does it the right way.



00:39:32.600 --> 00:39:35.673

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, I'm gonna go all out. Yeah. And I'm gonna feed you.



00:39:36.400 --> 00:40:03.539

MaryLou Huerta: that's all that. I was probably missing in that interview. But yeah, and and I remember. And I mean, I've been in my role since 2019. And one of the things I definitely really pride myself on is not only strengthening and growing our local relationships with our district, but some of our out of district relationships. Right? So now, I'm getting those regular invites, those calls, those emails from our out of district schools, right? Which normally



00:40:03.610 --> 00:40:09.667

MaryLou Huerta: it's been hard for us to get into, or some of those college fairs like at Laguna Beach School at



00:40:10.455 --> 00:40:27.559

MaryLou Huerta: Santa Monica High School, but with our out of district schools. Now I have schools, you know, up north and down South Ventura, Oxnard, Sanas, Lompoc, that are asking, hey! Can you come out and do an application workshop? Hey? Can you come out and do orientation with our students which



00:40:27.960 --> 00:40:33.770

MaryLou Huerta: you know, nor, you know, in previous years. It's not something that we would have or offer. So



00:40:33.790 --> 00:40:40.930

MaryLou Huerta: you know, working, working to really strengthen those relationships and provide the same services that we are providing to our local students who are out of district.



00:40:42.110 --> 00:40:45.779

MaryLou Huerta: Did I answer your question, Hong cause? I feel like I kind of, went on a ramp, but.



00:40:45.780 --> 00:40:50.420

Hong Lieu: The rants. The rants are kind of. It's a feature. It's a feature, not a bug, because that's.



00:40:50.420 --> 00:40:51.020

MaryLou Huerta: Okay. Okay.



00:40:51.020 --> 00:40:58.929

Hong Lieu: That's what we like. We like you to flesh out your answer, and and as much context and nuance, because you never know what people will latch onto, so it's always good to have as much.



00:40:58.990 --> 00:41:00.449

Hong Lieu: I do have a question for you, though.



00:41:00.450 --> 00:41:01.030

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:41:01.330 --> 00:41:02.610

Hong Lieu: So in terms of



00:41:02.899 --> 00:41:24.139

Hong Lieu: you know your parents are are grinders, hard workers, you know. My parents are the same way. Have you ever found a way to communicate the difference in, like the work you do versus the work they do, because my mom still is always like, Oh, man, you know you. You work hard, but you'll never work as hard as I do, and I'm like, it's different, right? It's like your. Your work was mostly physical.



00:41:24.140 --> 00:41:40.439

Hong Lieu: and my work is very mental, so I feel like the strain, and the burden is similar. But it's hard because they're used to seeing the toll, you know, like they don't always see the toll on my body or my or my face, and my, so it's hard to explain sometimes



00:41:40.440 --> 00:41:57.859

Hong Lieu: how hard your work can be, not to say your work is hard all the time. Of course not, but in terms of explaining that, like having that connection, I still have trouble connecting my struggles at work with my parents struggles at work. Yeah, you know, it doesn't always. It doesn't always go one to one for them. So I was curious. If you ever ran into that yourself.



00:41:59.094 --> 00:42:00.990

MaryLou Huerta: Yes and no, because



00:42:01.540 --> 00:42:10.729

MaryLou Huerta: everybody knows where to find me the 1st week of fiesta, and that is, it was working at my parents. Booth, right? I mean, since I've been in



00:42:10.990 --> 00:42:15.390

MaryLou Huerta: middle school, has been working the fiesta booth, you know, up until



00:42:15.650 --> 00:42:35.839

MaryLou Huerta: pretty much when I moved out because I got married it was helping them at the Swami. So those things and it could be those cultural expectations, right is. And I think, man, my parents. And I think I was telling Akil this at 1 point, like my parents, literally left their country, they left their family friends everything.



00:42:35.930 --> 00:42:43.080

MaryLou Huerta: so that when they came here, and they eventually had their kids, their family, right? Because my parents didn't meet in Mexico. They met here.



00:42:43.120 --> 00:42:47.929

MaryLou Huerta: It was with that mindset of creating a better future. So.



00:42:48.350 --> 00:42:54.210

MaryLou Huerta: and I love my baby. But man to think about like just getting up, and whatever you can carry is what you take like.



00:42:54.530 --> 00:42:58.620

MaryLou Huerta: That's that those are hard pills to swallow. Right? So



00:42:58.780 --> 00:43:08.690

MaryLou Huerta: do my parents get it. They get it. They get that. I do a lot, and then I work, and you know I do have to travel a lot for work sometimes, and having a little one now is



00:43:08.840 --> 00:43:10.809

MaryLou Huerta: has its own challenges.



00:43:12.170 --> 00:43:15.830

MaryLou Huerta: They do get it, but they they under.



00:43:16.090 --> 00:43:17.369

MaryLou Huerta: How do I explain this?



00:43:17.610 --> 00:43:25.290

MaryLou Huerta: They hear me, but do they understand it like fully process it? Probably not because, as as I said.



00:43:25.360 --> 00:43:28.200

MaryLou Huerta: where do you find my dad on Sundays working at the Swami.



00:43:28.200 --> 00:43:42.920

Hong Lieu: And and that's always a trump card, right? It's like the trump card, and I mean I guess it's a poor term. But that that ace in the hole, so the ace in the hole, so to speak, is always do they walk it like they talk it, and my parents are probably a lot like your parents were.



00:43:42.920 --> 00:43:43.270

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:43:43.270 --> 00:43:45.100

Hong Lieu: They always have. They've never.



00:43:45.100 --> 00:43:45.420

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:43:45.420 --> 00:44:03.159

Hong Lieu: Said something and not done it. They've never said someone to another family member like oh, I'll be there and not been there, even if it's like the day of someone's sick, the last thing they want to do is be there. They will pile the family in the car as miserable as we are. If it's raining, and if they say they're going to be there, they will be there. So it's always something like



00:44:03.190 --> 00:44:14.259

Hong Lieu: it's something that I've always aspired to be, and I've never, you know you always come up short in terms of this. You're never going to win a gold medal in the struggle Olympics compared to your parents. But it's, you know, like you always try. You know you always.



00:44:14.260 --> 00:44:21.270

MaryLou Huerta: That's right. And you know what's so funny. And I don't know if this is just like a cultural thing. And I don't know if you guys have experienced this, but



00:44:21.530 --> 00:44:29.390

MaryLou Huerta: my parents will not always like I don't think I've ever heard my dad like specifically tell me, like, Oh, you're doing such a great job, or.



00:44:29.390 --> 00:44:32.400

Hong Lieu: Such a great mom. But it's so funny.



00:44:32.400 --> 00:44:34.830

MaryLou Huerta: But when they're talking to their friends



00:44:35.110 --> 00:44:41.179

MaryLou Huerta: or to the people they know, then they're bragging, and it's like, Well, why can't I need to hear that, you know. I need to hear that.



00:44:41.180 --> 00:44:41.640

Hong Lieu: It's a.



00:44:41.640 --> 00:44:47.910

MaryLou Huerta: And I don't hear that. Yeah, but it's like they'll say it to everybody else. But then it's so.



00:44:48.390 --> 00:44:54.209

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, I I don't know if I answer the question, or if I can, I guess I mean, do they know? Yeah.



00:44:54.620 --> 00:44:59.289

MaryLou Huerta: do they fully understand it? Probably not right.



00:44:59.420 --> 00:45:09.159

Hong Lieu: Yeah, and it's only where they never will understand. But I'm just wondering if yeah, just if if there's ever a way, if you've ever found a way to kind of cross that divide cause. I still struggle with it, and I'm you know.



00:45:09.810 --> 00:45:13.170

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, I mean, maybe one day.



00:45:14.620 --> 00:45:17.389

Akil Hill: That's funny, too, because I mean, I you know



00:45:17.400 --> 00:45:31.959

Akil Hill: my parents. Obviously my parents didn't immigrate here. So they but and then also, I think it's really as people of color. We I could totally relate to both you guys, but kind of in a different way. I think my parents were a little bit more like



00:45:31.960 --> 00:45:51.769

Akil Hill: reassuring like you could do it. You could do it. Based upon the racism, the discrimination, and all of that that they've experienced in their own lives. So they went the opposite way in terms of trying to lift people up because they know what's out there beyond your front door. So it's kind of interesting to have that approach as well. You know.



00:45:51.980 --> 00:45:52.810

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. No, for sure.



00:45:52.810 --> 00:46:09.579

Hong Lieu: And it's good to know at the end of the day that it all works, you know, like any, and there's no right way, or there's no wrong way. It's all how you take it in. And are they there for you to support you? Because that's really at the end of the day. What it is is you need their support. Are they there for you? And in all of our cases you know that that's been the key



00:46:09.670 --> 00:46:24.849

Hong Lieu: is having that support and having that assistance. And now, Mary Lou, you in your position here at City College, providing not fully parental support, but that support system and having that in place for students that need you like. If someone needs you reaches out to you. Are you gonna walk like you're talking? You're gonna be there for them. Yeah, you know.



00:46:24.850 --> 00:46:25.640

MaryLou Huerta: Definitely, yeah.



00:46:25.640 --> 00:46:30.750

Hong Lieu: As long as when the certain hours otherwise, you know, as you will get our Union representatives to contact you about over time.



00:46:30.750 --> 00:46:32.610

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, I will say.



00:46:32.610 --> 00:46:40.779

MaryLou Huerta: having a child has made me definitely try to be more aware of the like those boundaries, and work within those work parameters, because man, before



00:46:40.970 --> 00:46:53.899

MaryLou Huerta: it'd be the weekends. It'd be 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock at night, and I'd still be like, Oh, my God! A student emailed me. I gotta get back to them because I read, I am the type that I get panic mode. I mean, you're not answering me. Why aren't you answering me? I need this answer. I need



00:46:55.378 --> 00:47:00.849

MaryLou Huerta: but you know I do make sure and do my best to try to communicate that to families and to parents like



00:47:00.890 --> 00:47:03.049

MaryLou Huerta: you gotta be reasonable, you know, if it's



00:47:03.100 --> 00:47:06.105

MaryLou Huerta: it's Veterans Day. I'm gonna enjoy my veterans day.



00:47:06.840 --> 00:47:07.430

Akil Hill: Yeah.



00:47:07.430 --> 00:47:08.040

MaryLou Huerta: But yeah.



00:47:08.620 --> 00:47:09.300

Akil Hill: Yeah.



00:47:09.300 --> 00:47:11.619

Hong Lieu: Yeah, Phil, well, thank you for that.



00:47:11.620 --> 00:47:12.120

Akil Hill: Yes, now.



00:47:12.120 --> 00:47:14.490

Hong Lieu: Now now we get to the the fun part of the gauntlet.



00:47:14.926 --> 00:47:15.800

MaryLou Huerta: Our food.



00:47:15.800 --> 00:47:17.400

Hong Lieu: Section, good evening.



00:47:17.620 --> 00:47:18.190

MaryLou Huerta: Yay!



00:47:18.190 --> 00:47:23.009

Hong Lieu: So as many as you want to list. If it's just one or many, or restaurant dishes anything you got.



00:47:23.010 --> 00:47:25.160

Akil Hill: Go in, go in, Mary, Lou, go in.



00:47:25.160 --> 00:47:37.009

MaryLou Huerta: Here's the thing Akeel knows. Okay, so here's the thing. There's different. Mary Lou's right there. There's so there's like, there's big back. Mary Lou, who wants to go to Chili's, and I wanted I want that trio platter. Huh!



00:47:37.010 --> 00:47:41.080

MaryLou Huerta: I heard. I haven't had it yet. It looks so good. It



00:47:41.080 --> 00:48:05.689

MaryLou Huerta: I had my triple dipper last night. Funny story. So I told my husband. I want to be big back, and I want my triple dipper, and he's like, do you really want to go all the way to Oxnard? Because we're right at the entrance of Ventura right off the avenue? Right? And that's like that is like a mission. But I'm like, I really want it. And it's Sunday. And I want to be big back. And he's like, Okay, fine. So we go right



00:48:06.150 --> 00:48:10.670

MaryLou Huerta: and all I wanted, that's all I wanted like that's I was gonna get the triple dipper.



00:48:10.880 --> 00:48:17.359

MaryLou Huerta: triple decker, dipper dipper for for dinner, and my husband's like raining on my parade.



00:48:17.520 --> 00:48:20.130

MaryLou Huerta: No, let's let's get in. We'll share it, and I'm like.



00:48:20.980 --> 00:48:29.960

MaryLou Huerta: but I don't want anything else he's like. No, no like, let's get it as an appetizer. That's not enough for you to eat like, let's get that as an appetizer like that's. And I'm like.



00:48:30.280 --> 00:48:31.989

MaryLou Huerta: I'm like, okay, fine.



00:48:32.050 --> 00:48:35.319

MaryLou Huerta: And like right away, I'm like this is not going to be the same.



00:48:35.553 --> 00:48:36.719

Hong Lieu: You have to have it.



00:48:36.940 --> 00:48:39.379

MaryLou Huerta: You have to have it on your own.



00:48:39.380 --> 00:48:39.990

Akil Hill: She did.



00:48:39.990 --> 00:48:52.999

Hong Lieu: If you set the portion, if you know what your portion size is like. I used to be the same way, where, like sometimes with my sister's like. Oh, can I have a couple like a chicken, 10 or something? I'll just take the whole thing because it's not, you know, like at that point. It's not enough, you know, like I'm just wasting calories.



00:48:53.000 --> 00:48:53.910

MaryLou Huerta: One you're like.



00:48:54.290 --> 00:49:05.459

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, I'm like, I'm going to make it worth it because it comes with what like the Tiktok way right? The 2 mozzarella sticks the 2 little sliders right, and then, like the chicken tendies, if you want to do that



00:49:05.970 --> 00:49:09.549

MaryLou Huerta: well, when he realized funny, though, when he realized



00:49:09.770 --> 00:49:21.149

MaryLou Huerta: when the waitress brought that out and he ordered a burger. He realized I didn't get anything else he was like, Wait, where's yours? And I was like. It's because this is all I really wanted, so still got it my way. I know I know.



00:49:21.150 --> 00:49:22.850

Akil Hill: Like read in between the lines.



00:49:22.850 --> 00:49:23.530

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. Goodbye.



00:49:23.530 --> 00:49:23.860

Akil Hill: 100.



00:49:23.860 --> 00:49:41.899

MaryLou Huerta: I just I wanted to be like, I'm gonna be a bicker. I just wanted, you know, to enjoy. I wanted to have my cheese pull. Oh, you guys, I had that cheese pull. I ended up sharing like I ate the one my one mozzarella thing, and then the 2 sliders, and then just one chicken tendy. So actually we took the rest home.



00:49:42.090 --> 00:49:47.700

MaryLou Huerta: But he was like, what is so special about this, and I dip it in the ranch, and I'm like, Look.



00:49:48.362 --> 00:49:49.420

MaryLou Huerta: my baby's just



00:49:49.420 --> 00:50:12.719

MaryLou Huerta: like staring at me, and it was the best cheese pull ever. But that's what I'm saying. There are different Mary Lou's, because if you asked me today, you know, I had my cottage cheese with my peach for for breakfast and my coffee, and then I had, you know my veggies and dip for snack, and then for lunch I had a salad. So it just depends on my mood, do I? Normally



00:50:13.770 --> 00:50:18.140

MaryLou Huerta: I have my favorites. But I try to be healthy, right? Because of like



00:50:18.160 --> 00:50:22.989

MaryLou Huerta: family stuff, right? Like my parents have their own health things. And then, just



00:50:23.220 --> 00:50:35.209

MaryLou Huerta: culturally, you know, diabetes runs high in in the Mexican or Hispanic community. So just being mindful of those things like, I try to be careful of what I'm eating. And and I'm also trying to set those healthy



00:50:35.770 --> 00:50:41.140

MaryLou Huerta: role like examples for my baby. Right? But



00:50:41.280 --> 00:50:58.250

MaryLou Huerta: if we're going to be real like my, I mean. My favorite, like one of my favorite dishes, is Mole. Do you guys like Mole? Oh, right with like rice, the chicken, but the sweet mole, not Mole Ranchero mole ranchero is like that red one. It's a little different. I feel like it's more bittery. No, no, the sweet one with the chocolate.



00:50:58.350 --> 00:50:58.910

Akil Hill: Everything.



00:50:58.910 --> 00:51:05.690

MaryLou Huerta: With like half dozen corn tortillas. Because let's I'm not gonna lie like I'm gonna have a corn tortilla with every bite of my mole



00:51:05.800 --> 00:51:14.239

MaryLou Huerta: that is like my mouth is watering. That is like my birthday meal, like my mom's asking me what I want, and your girls asking for mole



00:51:15.850 --> 00:51:19.659

Hong Lieu: Does it have to be mom made? Or is there anywhere in town that passes, passes.



00:51:19.660 --> 00:51:30.169

MaryLou Huerta: I'm not gonna lie if I'm in Santa Barbara los Agaves has some real good Molenchiladas like they're they're fire and then in Ventura cuernabacas.



00:51:30.170 --> 00:51:30.809

Akil Hill: Yeah. Quitable?



00:51:30.810 --> 00:51:31.230

Hong Lieu: My God.



00:51:32.470 --> 00:51:35.090

MaryLou Huerta: But cuerna vaccas they do some. They do some good



00:51:35.640 --> 00:51:41.599

MaryLou Huerta: there, too. I'm always disappointed when I order Mole, and it's not the sweet mole.



00:51:41.980 --> 00:51:47.400

MaryLou Huerta: you know. It's like the ranchero one, that red one I'm like. This is not the mole I wanted.



00:51:48.620 --> 00:52:01.980

MaryLou Huerta: my mom has brought Mole from Oaxaca and Dang! That's fire that's so good! And then she makes it like she brings the paste and then makes it at home. That's really good, honestly like those Mexican. I I love me, Thinga, so. It's like.



00:52:02.450 --> 00:52:03.890

MaryLou Huerta: That, like the chicken with.



00:52:03.890 --> 00:52:04.350

Akil Hill: Said, well.



00:52:05.820 --> 00:52:08.180

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, yeah, to town on those.



00:52:08.430 --> 00:52:12.440

Akil Hill: Have you tried the tinga, the chicken tinga from Kona Vaca? They do a tinga, too.



00:52:12.440 --> 00:52:13.320

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, they don't think.



00:52:13.320 --> 00:52:14.280

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah.



00:52:14.628 --> 00:52:16.020

MaryLou Huerta: Or bomb. You guys.



00:52:16.020 --> 00:52:17.060

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah.



00:52:17.060 --> 00:52:19.530

MaryLou Huerta: It just depends on



00:52:19.630 --> 00:52:25.030

MaryLou Huerta: what kind of I don't have a sweet tooth. So I'm definitely going to be savory over the sweet tooth like I



00:52:25.330 --> 00:52:27.620

MaryLou Huerta: like. I want to.



00:52:28.130 --> 00:52:38.399

MaryLou Huerta: and I'm not like big on drinks, either, like I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. You know what I mean like I'm like, give your your girl like a a bowl of posole, and I'm happy.



00:52:38.400 --> 00:52:40.229

Akil Hill: Wait! Hold up! Hold up! Hold up!



00:52:40.270 --> 00:52:41.880

Akil Hill: No Agar frescas!



00:52:41.960 --> 00:52:50.569

MaryLou Huerta: I I mean, I like I like Horchata. I do like Horchata, my little Mexican Cokes. Oh, man! We had coolers of the Mexican Cokes at the baby shower. Sorry home.



00:52:50.990 --> 00:52:54.369

MaryLou Huerta: and honestly, I probably have some at home. I can hook you guys up.



00:52:54.820 --> 00:53:14.620

MaryLou Huerta: Go to Tj. He'll make those Tj. Runs, and he'll come home with like. And it literally looks like we're like selling Mexican cokes out of our garage like, if our when our neighbors walk by you guys. They are probably like what is going on with these Mexicans right here, like they're seeing all these cokes, all these tequila bottles. You can cut that out, too. Not promoting drinking. I'm just.



00:53:14.620 --> 00:53:19.120

Hong Lieu: Well, but just tequila. Are you also doing the just, the the mezcal, and all that stuff, too?



00:53:19.120 --> 00:53:25.190

MaryLou Huerta: My. So my husband's a big tequila collector, but he really likes Agnieco.



00:53:25.450 --> 00:53:26.490

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah. Yeah.



00:53:26.490 --> 00:53:33.449

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, and I'll ask him like, what are we gonna do with these bottles? We have like a whole. So we used to be displayed really nicely in our house.



00:53:33.450 --> 00:53:33.950

Akil Hill: It's good.



00:53:33.950 --> 00:53:44.770

MaryLou Huerta: Displayed nice. But it was like a really, Oh, yeah, Kyo has those pictures so really nice display. But we have a baby. Now we have a 1 year old, this child. Oh, he is testing my limits



00:53:45.310 --> 00:53:48.420

MaryLou Huerta: times. He grabs anything he can.



00:53:48.530 --> 00:53:52.860

MaryLou Huerta: And I'm just like this kid is gonna break an arm one day and like, yeah.



00:53:53.060 --> 00:53:55.029

MaryLou Huerta: so we had to put him away.



00:53:55.300 --> 00:54:01.390

MaryLou Huerta: So it's in a Oh, my God! I don't know how to say it in Spanish, in English. It's called a Beatrina. How do you say that in English?



00:54:02.150 --> 00:54:03.960

MaryLou Huerta: Like a glass thing? I I don't.



00:54:03.960 --> 00:54:04.880

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah. Yeah.



00:54:04.880 --> 00:54:06.830

Akil Hill: It's like a like a hutch cabinet. Yeah.



00:54:06.830 --> 00:54:08.699

Akil Hill: yeah, you're trying to cut. Yeah.



00:54:08.700 --> 00:54:10.830

MaryLou Huerta: Right? Okay. I only know the Spanish term, anyway.



00:54:10.830 --> 00:54:11.240

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:54:11.240 --> 00:54:18.689

MaryLou Huerta: we have the China cabinet lobby, Trina, and it's all filled with his tequilas. But now you can't really see them unless the thing is open.



00:54:18.990 --> 00:54:21.550

MaryLou Huerta: I'm not going to open in. How, my child, you know.



00:54:21.850 --> 00:54:28.229

MaryLou Huerta: knock down these 3 $400 bottles that he has in there. But I'll ask him, what are we going to do with them? Maybe I'll drink them one day.



00:54:28.760 --> 00:54:29.340

Hong Lieu: I'm like.



00:54:29.340 --> 00:54:34.229

Hong Lieu: wait till he's climbing up the side like King Kong, and he just grabs the hand of the car. Yeah.



00:54:34.530 --> 00:54:38.400

Akil Hill: You better tell you better drink before your baby turns.



00:54:38.400 --> 00:54:40.010

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, I know! Oh, I know!



00:54:40.070 --> 00:54:41.889

Akil Hill: Or maybe he's gonna pass it down.



00:54:41.890 --> 00:54:55.980

MaryLou Huerta: But what are your guys is like? I mean, I there's lots of spots like man. I love me. Some canes. Sometimes I know me to kill have talked about canes, you know. Canes is good, so it just depends. I love me some in. And now I'm not gonna lie. When I was pregnant. Oh, my God!



00:54:55.990 --> 00:54:58.150

MaryLou Huerta: A protein, a protein burger like



00:54:58.820 --> 00:55:00.620

MaryLou Huerta: in and out animals have a



00:55:00.720 --> 00:55:04.159

MaryLou Huerta: lettuce wrapped protein, salt man! That was my jam.



00:55:04.350 --> 00:55:11.559

Akil Hill: So I follow Mary Lou on, on Instagram and I think just Ig, but maybe a few others. But anyway.



00:55:11.560 --> 00:55:12.560

MaryLou Huerta: And Facebook, yeah, yeah.



00:55:12.560 --> 00:55:13.500

Akil Hill: Yeah, so.



00:55:13.500 --> 00:55:14.699

MaryLou Huerta: Socials. We have the socials.



00:55:14.700 --> 00:55:22.389

Akil Hill: Have a social, so I remember when she would go to Mexico. She was like posting crazy like all the drinks, all the chips.



00:55:22.390 --> 00:55:22.880

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, yeah.



00:55:23.040 --> 00:55:23.200

Akil Hill: So.



00:55:23.200 --> 00:55:24.080

MaryLou Huerta: To lava.



00:55:24.080 --> 00:55:28.689

Akil Hill: Yeah, I was hitting around. I was like, yo. I see you eat those rancherro, flavored Doritos.



00:55:28.690 --> 00:55:30.259

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, yeah. Oh, dude!



00:55:31.070 --> 00:55:34.439

MaryLou Huerta: That's the thing. Here's the thing. Your girl can be like.



00:55:35.130 --> 00:55:42.489

MaryLou Huerta: Your girl can be big back if she wanted to, but I tried not to. Right like there ain't no way but so that's



00:55:42.810 --> 00:55:43.160

MaryLou Huerta: are my.



00:55:43.160 --> 00:55:43.899

Akil Hill: False sense.



00:55:43.900 --> 00:55:49.300

MaryLou Huerta: Weakness. Oh, yeah, my chips like anything crunchy, and people will be like, Oh, we'll have nuts.



00:55:49.310 --> 00:55:54.459

MaryLou Huerta: nuts, carrots ain't tasting the same like a bag of like Doritos from Mexico like let's be honest.



00:55:54.500 --> 00:56:03.650

MaryLou Huerta: or like the toritos with like or like the some, my god



00:56:03.720 --> 00:56:10.250

MaryLou Huerta: Tosti, Locos Michocana down the street from the house with the Curritos and the yeah Chamoy, and everything.



00:56:10.250 --> 00:56:31.629

Hong Lieu: So so quick question for you in this regard is there? Can you put your finger on what makes Chili's better than the other ones, because, like, you know, Applebee's and those other restaurants, they're all kind of in the same class, but they're not. They're all not thriving like Chili's is Chili's right now, financially, is doing much better than the rest, and I can't put my finger. I mean, they have the the big Mac knockoff thing that I like, and the triple dippers, and that but is that it? Or is there something else.



00:56:31.990 --> 00:56:32.700

MaryLou Huerta: So funny.



00:56:32.700 --> 00:56:33.490

Akil Hill: With Jake? Question.



00:56:33.490 --> 00:56:37.530

MaryLou Huerta: And yeah, no, this is a legit question. Okay? Right now, we're okay.



00:56:37.740 --> 00:56:40.379

MaryLou Huerta: Tiktok, not even joking. It's just tick tock.



00:56:40.380 --> 00:56:40.770

Hong Lieu: Okay.



00:56:40.770 --> 00:56:54.959

MaryLou Huerta: Yes. So yesterday, my husband was like, Okay, so what's so special about this? Because when we got there, I was like, I have to go to the bathroom. So it's like my story. Every time you know. Talking to Kim was like dude. I need to use you guys vip bathroom, anyway. So I'm like, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. And as I'm walking through like Chili's right.



00:56:55.320 --> 00:57:04.669

MaryLou Huerta: I'm not even kidding you guys every other table because I'm looking like I'm the type of person that if we go out to eat I need to ask all of you guys what you guys are getting before I.



00:57:04.670 --> 00:57:05.090

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah.



00:57:05.090 --> 00:57:06.310

MaryLou Huerta: I'm going to get, and then



00:57:06.310 --> 00:57:23.130

MaryLou Huerta: to look at pictures. If the picture doesn't look good, then, you know. So anyways, I'm going through, and I'm looking at all these people, and my husband's like. So you're telling me you were looking at what all these people were were eating like you practically probably asked them for a bite, and I'm like, no, I was just observing, let me, let me, you know, make this observation. Every other table had



00:57:23.330 --> 00:57:26.050

MaryLou Huerta: the triple deck like dipper, like



00:57:26.160 --> 00:57:36.970

MaryLou Huerta: appetizer platter. Like every other table. There were some tables where it was 4. I'm not even joking. It was they were right by the window, and it was a little 4 like square one.



00:57:37.060 --> 00:57:39.740

MaryLou Huerta: Every person had their own like app.



00:57:39.930 --> 00:57:54.220

MaryLou Huerta: So, apparently because I just saw this no joke like last week on Tiktok was, how insane it is that one Tiktoker, one girl, made a review going to Chili's of the Triple Dipper triple deck or whatever it is.



00:57:54.500 --> 00:57:55.770

MaryLou Huerta: posted it.



00:57:55.840 --> 00:57:58.330

MaryLou Huerta: And it went from Chili's like



00:57:59.020 --> 00:58:02.590

MaryLou Huerta: profits, being like this to all of a sudden. It's just like



00:58:02.620 --> 00:58:08.949

MaryLou Huerta: it. They're like skyrocketing, and it wasn't their marketing team. It wasn't their social media. It was



00:58:08.970 --> 00:58:12.360

MaryLou Huerta: a random tiktoker who went in



00:58:12.370 --> 00:58:19.830

MaryLou Huerta: order this combination. And now it's like their most popular item on their menu, and I.



00:58:19.830 --> 00:58:21.870

Hong Lieu: Baby back ribs the baby back ribs. Ain't it? So.



00:58:21.870 --> 00:58:22.560

MaryLou Huerta: So.



00:58:22.560 --> 00:58:24.379

Hong Lieu: Trying to market those versus the triple dippers.



00:58:24.380 --> 00:58:24.910

MaryLou Huerta: Right.



00:58:24.910 --> 00:58:25.740

Hong Lieu: In the dippers. Yeah.



00:58:25.740 --> 00:58:28.949

MaryLou Huerta: So here's the thing is, I'm not a big fan



00:58:29.120 --> 00:58:32.360

MaryLou Huerta: of chain restaurants like, sit down. Chain restaurants like



00:58:32.750 --> 00:59:02.390

MaryLou Huerta: I'm going to sound like a diva. I'm not like you're not going to find me at a Denny's or to Carol's like that's just not my vibe like I like local Mom and pop, for, like breakfast houses and Ventura man, they got some good ones. I'm just throwing it out there. Ventura has some real good ones. Santa Barbara does, too, but I feel like Ventura. We got a lot of breakfast spots. I'm more local, and even for like restaurant, I mean, like, I love going to Finney's downtown Ventura. It's a good vibe. They're family friendly, and that's kind of like a small chain. But I'm not into the big chains. So the fact that, like



00:59:02.390 --> 00:59:19.069

MaryLou Huerta: yesterday told my husband, let's go to Chili's. I want to be big back. He was like, why, Chili's he's like you don't even like that, you know, but it just hits. I think it's just the combo, and it just hits. It's good, and it's that cheese bowl you have to have your cheese bowl, though.



00:59:19.430 --> 00:59:21.169

Hong Lieu: Tiktok ain' never told a lie right.



00:59:21.170 --> 00:59:26.698

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, it's but it have. You guys seen those videos when they like bite in. And they want that cheese pull. And it's just like,



00:59:27.280 --> 00:59:36.659

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah, I definitely seen the good Cheese Bowl videos. But I didn't know that Chili's was so big on Tiktok. So. But that does explain it all because virality nowadays is really like.



00:59:36.700 --> 00:59:38.080

MaryLou Huerta: A big, a big.



00:59:38.080 --> 00:59:39.660

Hong Lieu: You watch Tiktok.



00:59:39.660 --> 00:59:44.160

MaryLou Huerta: Listening. And before you know, when you go on your social media, it's gonna be like all these people.



00:59:45.200 --> 00:59:46.689

Hong Lieu: Doing them, and we get in the.



00:59:46.690 --> 00:59:47.140

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



00:59:47.140 --> 00:59:48.829

Hong Lieu: Top 10 cheese pools, and it's coming up.



00:59:48.830 --> 00:59:49.969

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, yeah.



00:59:51.300 --> 00:59:51.660

Hong Lieu: Excellent.



00:59:51.660 --> 00:59:58.819

MaryLou Huerta: Wait. What about you guys? What's like? What's your? I don't know. Top 2 dishes, no name, a top, 2 name, a snack and a dish.



01:00:00.060 --> 01:00:02.909

Hong Lieu: Well, flaming hot Cheetos would be the number one snack.



01:00:02.910 --> 01:00:03.819

MaryLou Huerta: Of all time.



01:00:03.820 --> 01:00:22.669

Hong Lieu: There's no flame. Hot Cheetos is the Michael Jordan of snacks to me, because not only of how good it is, but when it came out, you know, because there's basketball players that are better than Michael Jordan now. But you're not going to give them the goat status right? There's snacks that are better than flaming hot Cheetos. But I'm not going to give them the goat status because flame hot Cheetos have been holding me down for literally 30 years. Now.



01:00:22.830 --> 01:00:24.950

MaryLou Huerta: Okay, Hong, and not to like, okay.



01:00:25.120 --> 01:00:27.370

MaryLou Huerta: But do you feel like? Because



01:00:27.750 --> 01:00:38.090

MaryLou Huerta: with age personally for me, my little Panza cannot handle hot Cheetos, and I still eat them, but I can't handle them the way I did like in middle school or high school. Oh, yeah, like, I can't be having those things for breakfast.



01:00:38.090 --> 01:00:38.480

Akil Hill: Thanks.



01:00:38.480 --> 01:00:39.070

MaryLou Huerta: More.



01:00:39.070 --> 01:00:39.390

Akil Hill: Ace.



01:00:39.390 --> 01:00:39.750

MaryLou Huerta: Like.



01:00:39.952 --> 01:00:42.179

Akil Hill: Speak on it, Mary Lou, I'm with you. Speak on it.



01:00:42.180 --> 01:00:44.939

Hong Lieu: I did the one chip challenge. And I haven't been the same ever since the one chip challenge.



01:00:44.940 --> 01:00:47.779

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah, okay. But hot cheetos for you. Okay.



01:00:47.780 --> 01:00:49.119

Hong Lieu: yeah. Hot cheetah is my number one.



01:00:49.120 --> 01:00:50.080

Hong Lieu: Okay? And but



01:00:50.080 --> 01:00:57.760

Hong Lieu: I can still handle hot Cheetos, though when they have the extra hot at the at the corner store. Those are touchy, but the Ogs. No problem, no problem.



01:00:57.760 --> 01:00:58.550

MaryLou Huerta: Going to be. Maybe.



01:00:58.550 --> 01:01:00.197

Hong Lieu: Or the tight curl.



01:01:01.220 --> 01:01:02.989

MaryLou Huerta: Okay, what about the hot cheeto puffs.



01:01:03.310 --> 01:01:10.560

Hong Lieu: I like the hot cheeto puffs and the handicaps hot fries. You know that that kind of like pseudo, like, you know. Okay.



01:01:10.920 --> 01:01:12.460

Hong Lieu: dollar pack. I could do that.



01:01:12.460 --> 01:01:16.960

Akil Hill: I don't know how it dissolves in the mouth. The crunchiness.



01:01:16.960 --> 01:01:19.569

Hong Lieu: The tight you like the tight curl. Yeah, yeah.



01:01:19.570 --> 01:01:21.950

Akil Hill: Puff like I don't like how it dissolves. I'm like, no, that's not it.



01:01:21.950 --> 01:01:24.949

MaryLou Huerta: No, those are good. Those are good. Okay? And what about your dish, though? Huh?



01:01:24.950 --> 01:01:26.029

Hong Lieu: My dish



01:01:26.140 --> 01:01:44.469

Hong Lieu: would be Lasagna. It was the first, st like American food that I learned how to make, and fell in love with. I mean, learn how to make in terms of just it's like Lego. You just assemble it. But it was like one of those things where I was like, I think, second or 3rd grade, and we made it. And I ate it. And I ended up being the whole thing. And I was like, Okay, I can definitely get down. Lasagna plus Garfield was on the TV at the time, and Garfield Lasagna.



01:01:44.470 --> 01:01:45.460

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, yeah.



01:01:45.460 --> 01:01:56.480

Hong Lieu: I can get down with that. Those would be my 2 picks. I mean, there's a ton of Chinese food and a ton of other foods, but in terms of like like out to me in terms of formative years, like flaming hot Cheetos and Lasagna would be my 2.



01:01:56.830 --> 01:01:59.070

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, dude. I love me. Some good Chinese food, too.



01:01:59.674 --> 01:02:03.000

Hong Lieu: That's why I had to put that caveat in, because there's a million dishes I can name. There.



01:02:03.000 --> 01:02:03.420

MaryLou Huerta: Oh!



01:02:03.420 --> 01:02:10.449

Hong Lieu: People like you sell out. You're talking about Lasagna. You're not even talking about no Chinese food like. Listen, I do love it. But if we're going that way, then, you know.



01:02:10.450 --> 01:02:15.019

MaryLou Huerta: You know what one of my comfort foods were like. I'm feeling sick, is buh chicken buh.



01:02:15.020 --> 01:02:15.820

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah. Yeah.



01:02:15.820 --> 01:02:16.330

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah.



01:02:16.330 --> 01:02:28.180

Hong Lieu: Chicken. Pho, specifically is a nice one, because a lot of times what they'll do there's places most places will do the beef broth with chicken in it. But there's chicken pho! Where they actually cook the chicken bones for that long, and get the broth.



01:02:28.180 --> 01:02:28.500

MaryLou Huerta: To be.



01:02:28.500 --> 01:02:32.729

Hong Lieu: That when you find a chicken full place that does that. Oh, yeah, never let them go, because it's it's just.



01:02:32.730 --> 01:02:33.240

MaryLou Huerta: At 5.



01:02:33.640 --> 01:02:42.709

Akil Hill: So there's a spot in the Annex Vietnamese restaurant that their chicken is really good.



01:02:42.710 --> 01:02:44.849

MaryLou Huerta: Right when you walk in. It's on the right side.



01:02:44.850 --> 01:02:46.110

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah, we're in the conversation.



01:02:46.110 --> 01:02:47.110

MaryLou Huerta: Stop, all.



01:02:47.110 --> 01:02:49.029

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah, behind the coffee shop. Yup, that's it.



01:02:49.030 --> 01:02:51.109

Akil Hill: They make some good spring rolls, too.



01:02:51.110 --> 01:02:51.930

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah.



01:02:52.143 --> 01:02:57.059

MaryLou Huerta: We need to go on the food tours. Can we take this? Podcast can we take Vacura voices on food tours? Let's just.



01:02:57.060 --> 01:02:58.470

Hong Lieu: We should actually do a live one at.



01:02:58.470 --> 01:03:00.639

MaryLou Huerta: Right we should do a live one.



01:03:00.740 --> 01:03:02.150

MaryLou Huerta: Alright, Akil, what.



01:03:02.150 --> 01:03:03.820

Hong Lieu: Yeah. Before we move on to Kiel we got to hear it.



01:03:03.820 --> 01:03:23.408

Akil Hill: So I'll speak. I'll be super short. I think one of my my snack, my one of my favorite, all type snacks. It's a Japanese snack, but it's called, and I have to bring you guys some it's called. They're like ume chips. So Ume is a plum flavored and so that is, usually they comes in either potato chips or the shoestring



01:03:23.760 --> 01:03:45.870

Akil Hill: size chips. But that's for something about that that's like that's that feels like home to me that I like. And so anytime I'm at the Japanese market. That's my 1st thing I go to look for, and then dishes are tough. I mean, there's so much that I that I could say. But I'm just gonna have to keep 100. My mother's catfish



01:03:46.130 --> 01:03:50.430

Akil Hill: freshly fried catfish like to me. That's like



01:03:50.750 --> 01:03:52.170

Akil Hill: love. You know what I mean. Like.



01:03:52.170 --> 01:03:55.750

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, feeling that you talked about when that bullet hits where it's just like.



01:03:55.900 --> 01:03:57.659

Akil Hill: Like, you just felt like.



01:03:58.020 --> 01:04:06.359

Akil Hill: yeah, you've just been transported all your childhood memories and all that stuff comes back all the good memories. It's definitely my mom's catfish



01:04:06.390 --> 01:04:08.189

Akil Hill: and stuff. So.



01:04:08.920 --> 01:04:12.219

Hong Lieu: I'm gonna get a call from my mom like you didn't name no dishes that I made.



01:04:12.646 --> 01:04:13.500

Akil Hill: Okay. Okay.



01:04:13.500 --> 01:04:16.329

MaryLou Huerta: Name right now. Name one dish that your mom.



01:04:16.330 --> 01:04:29.380

Hong Lieu: My mom had a really good. She did really good fried fish. It was like a tilapia. But then she also did this dish that was like pickled mustard greens with squid in it, and tomato in a tomato sauce. That was probably the one that I used to love, the most growing up.



01:04:29.590 --> 01:04:33.752

MaryLou Huerta: But still I'm not letting go of Lasagna. I'm I'm I'm standing by twos.



01:04:34.450 --> 01:04:35.250

Hong Lieu: It's like.



01:04:35.250 --> 01:04:36.670

MaryLou Huerta: 3rd island in Hong.



01:04:36.670 --> 01:04:37.190

Hong Lieu: Yeah.



01:04:37.190 --> 01:04:38.060

MaryLou Huerta: Sonia with him.



01:04:38.060 --> 01:04:39.289

Akil Hill: In the heart, in the paint.



01:04:39.290 --> 01:04:55.179

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah, that is. But that is my young heart, because, like you said how you lose spice tolerance, my ability to carbo load and not have to take a nap later is pretty much impossible now. So I gotta be really mindful of yeah, the wrong place being being super tired at the wrong time is not good, so.



01:04:55.370 --> 01:04:58.440

Akil Hill: Thank you for that, Mary Lou, Mary Lucy.



01:04:58.440 --> 01:05:05.880

Hong Lieu: Us. Home segwaying along higher learning piece of culture, TV, movie music book, anything, video game.



01:05:06.450 --> 01:05:08.100

Akil Hill: Yeah, anything. That thing.



01:05:08.100 --> 01:05:13.569

Hong Lieu: You feel it to touch you in an artistic way, or has driven you or given you like just something you think about, you know, like.



01:05:15.100 --> 01:05:15.580

MaryLou Huerta:



01:05:15.580 --> 01:05:18.769

Hong Lieu: You ever read, or 1st TV show you ever loved any of that stuff.



01:05:19.129 --> 01:05:22.719

MaryLou Huerta: I'm gonna bring it back to something honestly, that my.



01:05:23.810 --> 01:05:32.739

MaryLou Huerta: and always goes back to my parents right? Always goes back to kind of like that that foundation for clerical. So for those who don't know.



01:05:32.740 --> 01:05:33.350

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah.



01:05:33.350 --> 01:05:51.710

MaryLou Huerta: Is, I was raised for the most part. Yeah, raised as a Flo clorico dancer. So I started dancing Flo Clorico when I was in preschool. So like 4 or 5 years old, right? Preschool. Yeah, 4 or 5 years old. And I actually one of my last performances



01:05:51.990 --> 01:05:53.190

MaryLou Huerta: was.



01:05:53.660 --> 01:06:00.280

MaryLou Huerta: no. Was it right before the pandemic? 2,019, 2,019 was my last year? I did fiesta.



01:06:01.340 --> 01:06:06.319

MaryLou Huerta: So it was pretty much all the I mean, yeah, it was right before the pandemic. But



01:06:06.360 --> 01:06:13.859

MaryLou Huerta: 2,019 was the last year that I got to perform on the old mission stage and dance for fiesta



01:06:14.360 --> 01:06:18.660

MaryLou Huerta: and it's so crazy because I think about you know, I



01:06:19.230 --> 01:06:32.630

MaryLou Huerta: I grew up. Really, I grew up poor like I grew up low income. You know my family didn't have a lot. And to think, and me and my sister will have these conversations like Dude. How did our parents do it like, how did our parents do it? They worked multiple jobs like, how did they do it?



01:06:32.710 --> 01:06:47.759

MaryLou Huerta: And they still manage to like, put us on flow and pay for the monthly fees and bias. You know you're growing up, you know, when you're in preschool all the way through high school like your shoot your shoe size is constantly changing, your waist is constantly changing your height. And so



01:06:47.900 --> 01:07:06.689

MaryLou Huerta: to think that the sacrifice that my parents did to be able to do that, and it's so funny you can choose to either keep this or take it out. If you do some edits, I'll ask my mom like, why did you put us in? And yes, some of it was cultural. But one of the biggest things is, she didn't want us to be stereotypes.



01:07:07.010 --> 01:07:09.149

MaryLou Huerta: She did not want us to be



01:07:09.640 --> 01:07:20.920

MaryLou Huerta: like, and this is no offense. But she just did not, you know, to to those folks who have had those experiences, but she did not want us to get caught up in trouble.



01:07:21.100 --> 01:07:23.699

MaryLou Huerta: you know. Kind of be running around the streets



01:07:23.970 --> 01:07:32.269

MaryLou Huerta: to be teen mops. She just did not want any of those stereotypes to follow us, and she really wanted to keep us



01:07:33.250 --> 01:07:56.670

MaryLou Huerta: kind of like engaged in an activity and something that I mean we were. We had practice 2, 3 times a week, and then weekends we were performing, and our parents were with us at everything, you know, so there was no time for messing around or getting in trouble. We were, you know, we were constantly at practice or constantly performing and yeah, my last performance was in 2019, and then



01:07:56.880 --> 01:08:02.070

MaryLou Huerta: through the pandemic, I was teaching classes via zoom for my instructor, helping her do that



01:08:02.380 --> 01:08:27.090

MaryLou Huerta: and honestly, it gave me. It taught me a lot, taught me a lot of discipline and a lot of responsibility. It taught me a lot of respect, taught me a lot about my culture, too. I mean, I can name multiple states and regions in Mexico. And I could, you know you could show me a picture of a traditional dress or costume, for for you know the men or the women, and I could tell you, oh, that goes to this region that belongs to this state. These are the songs, you know.



01:08:27.397 --> 01:08:40.919

MaryLou Huerta: So it taught me a lot, and it definitely helped me not be embarrassed of who I am, of my roots, of my culture, of my traditions. It really helped me embrace it. It's so funny because I'll hear the music now, and



01:08:41.470 --> 01:09:01.759

MaryLou Huerta: it makes me still want to dance like I still have all my dance costumes. My dad will mess with us and tell us that he's going to sell them or donate them, and my mom is literally like you will never. They will never talk to you again if you ever get rid of their stuff. But we have all of our I mean, I have all my costumes. I probably have over 20 different dance costumes for different regions and states and



01:09:01.760 --> 01:09:12.039

MaryLou Huerta: different dances. Fun. Fact is, when I was between the ages of 9 and 12, so for those 4 years I auditioned for junior spirit here in Santa Barbara. However.



01:09:12.750 --> 01:09:28.729

MaryLou Huerta: they will they have? Never, I will say they will never. They have yet to select a folk dancer, to represent as junior spirit or spirit. However, it was still some of the best years of my life like I had such an amazing experience doing that. As a young girl like I just



01:09:28.750 --> 01:09:46.079

MaryLou Huerta: you know I got to be in the parade, for you know, during junior spirit, and I got to go to different shows and perform. And you did a lot of community service. That's when I was going to school, still in Santa Barbara. So that was really fun. But Florico definitely Florico. I got to travel a lot.



01:09:46.506 --> 01:09:49.170

MaryLou Huerta: Got to go to some really cool dance workshops.



01:09:50.013 --> 01:09:54.219

MaryLou Huerta: But you know now, now I'm Signora life. Now I'm a mom, and



01:09:54.340 --> 01:10:08.510

MaryLou Huerta: as much as I want to go back, I think I got away a kill dies every time I call myself I I am a senora life like literally, although I'm not gonna lie when I'm out in the real world. And people will say like, Oh, Senora, I'm like what my husband's like. Well, you're.



01:10:08.510 --> 01:10:08.930

Hong Lieu: Singer.



01:10:10.030 --> 01:10:11.830

MaryLou Huerta: But still.



01:10:11.830 --> 01:10:22.430

MaryLou Huerta: ew, it's like so like I want to be like, I don't feel like I'm Senora, Senora vibes like I'm like, Pre Senora Vibes, but I am a senor, I guess you know, like, but anyways.



01:10:22.430 --> 01:10:30.479

Hong Lieu: That question of what is, what is a real adult age? Because people are like legally is 18. And up. What would you put the adult age at. If you had to pick an age when you're an adult.



01:10:30.520 --> 01:10:33.619

Hong Lieu: I'm like 2829. That's my you know what.



01:10:33.620 --> 01:10:35.619

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. But I'm honestly, even at.



01:10:35.620 --> 01:10:39.070

Hong Lieu: You think someone's like 25? I don't even think 25 is is.



01:10:39.070 --> 01:10:49.240

Akil Hill: I don't think well, I'm not gonna bring Jinder into this conversation, but I I would have to push it from. I only can speak from a man's point of view, and 28 to me seems.



01:10:49.240 --> 01:10:49.630

Hong Lieu: Young.



01:10:49.630 --> 01:10:53.480

Akil Hill: Still young, for I see, okay. I can see that I could see that I could see that.



01:10:53.480 --> 01:11:06.679

MaryLou Huerta: I mean, there are times that right now. I'm like, I'm 38, and I'm supposed to make grown folks decisions for my child, for my home. And sometimes I mean, I think it just depends on the situation, right and sometimes



01:11:06.680 --> 01:11:31.189

MaryLou Huerta: on the environment. And I know there's times where I don't want to be the adult, and I want to be taken care of, and I still want my mom to fix things for me, or you know my safe space. My husband, too, like I'm like you just worry about like anything to do with my card. It's he's like you have to do this, and I'm like, but that's that's not my that does not fall under my realm of responsibilities. That's your realm of responsibilities.



01:11:31.190 --> 01:11:33.370

Akil Hill: Wants to eat mozzarella sticks and be happy.



01:11:33.370 --> 01:11:34.180

MaryLou Huerta: Dude. I just want.



01:11:35.390 --> 01:11:37.180

Hong Lieu: Yeah, yeah.



01:11:37.180 --> 01:11:44.230

Hong Lieu: And that has to change change for me throughout the years. Because when I was like 13, I thought when I thought when I was 50 I knew everything I needed to know. So yeah, it definitely fluctuates.



01:11:44.230 --> 01:11:44.850

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, yeah.



01:11:44.850 --> 01:11:49.580

Akil Hill: So here's a question I have for you. So are you. Gonna keep it the tradition going with the



01:11:50.204 --> 01:11:53.950

Akil Hill: yes. So with your sundance or.



01:11:53.950 --> 01:12:04.559

MaryLou Huerta: I would like. Yes, I would like my son. So. I'm big on my younger sister. She we're super like we're tight. She



01:12:04.810 --> 01:12:13.210

MaryLou Huerta: it all was also Florico, dancer, and 2,019 was the last time we were both on stage together. She was right next to me. So super cool



01:12:13.990 --> 01:12:20.079

MaryLou Huerta: and she's also big on Danza. So our ancestors were Dansantes right?



01:12:20.080 --> 01:12:21.240

MaryLou Huerta: And so



01:12:21.240 --> 01:12:27.720

MaryLou Huerta: she was really big, and it still dances. Danza hasn't gone back since she had her little one, too.



01:12:27.780 --> 01:12:42.589

MaryLou Huerta: But I would love for my son to hopefully show interest in. I do want something that he could at least learn about his roots, his culture, because, you know, he's a productivity. My husband and



01:12:42.690 --> 01:12:47.050

MaryLou Huerta: both of our sets of parents were immigrants, and they are Mexican, and



01:12:47.150 --> 01:12:52.040

MaryLou Huerta: I want my son and my future kids, you know, to



01:12:52.170 --> 01:13:01.649

MaryLou Huerta: to embrace that and to be proud of those those roots. Which is honestly why I'm so I'm the Spanish speaker parent at home. I only speak speak Spanish to



01:13:01.740 --> 01:13:07.880

MaryLou Huerta: to the baby, only Spanish, and it's so funny because he's so used to it. And yeah.



01:13:08.050 --> 01:13:08.550

Hong Lieu: But yeah.



01:13:08.550 --> 01:13:22.969

Hong Lieu: and from a practical perspective, dancing, teaching, dance, and for political and any kind of dance, because you can use it anywhere, like if a party starts starts going down and you got some rhythm, and you take take over the middle of dance floor, and you set the tone for the rest of the crowd. I mean that that's a useful skill.



01:13:22.970 --> 01:13:23.480

MaryLou Huerta: 100%.



01:13:23.480 --> 01:13:24.370

Hong Lieu: You know so.



01:13:24.370 --> 01:13:28.560

MaryLou Huerta: Married a non dancer, my husband that's at the end.



01:13:28.560 --> 01:13:29.900

Hong Lieu: Everybody got a little bit.



01:13:29.900 --> 01:13:30.370

MaryLou Huerta: I believe.



01:13:30.370 --> 01:13:31.130

Hong Lieu: Got a little bit.



01:13:31.130 --> 01:13:31.660

MaryLou Huerta: He's just.



01:13:31.660 --> 01:13:36.412

Akil Hill: Oh, I really disagree with that. I see people. Some people just say you got it.



01:13:36.710 --> 01:13:37.690

Hong Lieu: I mean Friday.



01:13:37.690 --> 01:13:43.409

Hong Lieu: Whatever you got. If you flaunt it, then people can rock with it a little bit. I mean, you know it's not. It's not like you love it, but at least you can.



01:13:43.410 --> 01:13:59.460

MaryLou Huerta: I don't know my husband. He just does not like dancing where me like I'm on the dance floor. I'm dancing. I'm burning those calories. Man used to catch me. Christy's gonna hate me for saying this, but like Zumba man, we used to get wild on those dance floors that could be ours



01:13:59.815 --> 01:14:00.170

MaryLou Huerta: like



01:14:00.170 --> 01:14:05.409

MaryLou Huerta: zooming out with our dance. Do you guys like we were? We were jam. We were a good old time.



01:14:05.550 --> 01:14:10.589

Hong Lieu: I got no, I got no good moves, but I definitely got moves. That's the thing. As long as you rock it, you know. Like you got.



01:14:10.590 --> 01:14:12.364

Hong Lieu: I was playing modest. She got.



01:14:12.660 --> 01:14:13.560

MaryLou Huerta: He probably got moves.



01:14:13.560 --> 01:14:15.310

Akil Hill: You got some rock? I know.



01:14:15.310 --> 01:14:21.650

Hong Lieu: Yeah moves. Some of the moves exist. But yeah, they're not great. But as long as you put it out there, that's what I'm saying, you put it out there. Then some of them.



01:14:21.650 --> 01:14:22.970

MaryLou Huerta: Just does not.



01:14:23.030 --> 01:14:26.930

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, he doesn't like to dance. And me, I'm just like I love dancing so.



01:14:26.930 --> 01:14:38.000

Akil Hill: So let me ask you this, since you can't talk about dance without music, so give us a couple, maybe your top, 2 or top, 3. Spanish musician or artists.



01:14:38.860 --> 01:14:55.280

MaryLou Huerta: Top. Okay, so one of the groups that I love listening to. And I can like, okay, 2. But one doesn't do a lot of of Spanish, but I just love his vibe, but I love the group. So I remember back when they were.



01:14:55.280 --> 01:14:56.180

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.



01:14:56.180 --> 01:14:59.029

MaryLou Huerta: Late. No, like early 2,000. Well, I remember them in.



01:14:59.030 --> 01:15:02.800

Hong Lieu: I saw. I saw him like 96, 97, the 1st time I saw him. So they've been. They've been holding.



01:15:02.800 --> 01:15:07.819

MaryLou Huerta: They were small like. That's what I mean. So when I 1st saw them, it must have been like 99 or 2,000 like.



01:15:07.820 --> 01:15:11.140

Hong Lieu: Before the oso kids and all that other stuff blew up, too. Yeah. So.



01:15:11.140 --> 01:15:24.529

MaryLou Huerta: Yes. So also motley like you could go to the Park and you they were just playing right. That's what I mean like. So I love also motley love their jams like just their music. So I remember, you guys remember the movie never been kissed with Drew Barrymore.



01:15:24.850 --> 01:15:26.600

Hong Lieu: They make a cameo in the nightclub.



01:15:26.600 --> 01:15:27.980

Hong Lieu: That's right.



01:15:27.980 --> 01:15:35.439

MaryLou Huerta: Favorite scenes anyways love that. So that's 1 of my favorite groups. And they're just they kind of just remind me of like being a kid.



01:15:37.050 --> 01:15:41.110

MaryLou Huerta: You guys are gonna crack up when I see this next one, because they're not so much.



01:15:41.330 --> 01:15:42.130

Akil Hill: Menudo.



01:15:42.560 --> 01:15:52.800

MaryLou Huerta: No, they're not. I can't with you. They're not so much Spanish, but they're cause like I love Linda Ronston, you know, and Vicente Fernandez and.



01:15:53.220 --> 01:16:02.769

MaryLou Huerta: You know. All like all of them like love me some Shakira like Selena. Oh, man, Selena, like she was waiting for that like



01:16:02.770 --> 01:16:03.679

MaryLou Huerta: I was waiting for that.



01:16:03.680 --> 01:16:12.989

MaryLou Huerta: Do like Selena man, you know, growing up, and that but now more so like I'm over here like pumping my fist dude. Give me some pitbull. I love.



01:16:12.990 --> 01:16:14.299

Hong Lieu: Mr. Mr. World.



01:16:14.300 --> 01:16:17.680

MaryLou Huerta: I know. See? That's what I know. Dude, Mr. Worldwide. Okay.



01:16:17.680 --> 01:16:18.150

Hong Lieu: You better.



01:16:18.150 --> 01:16:20.510

MaryLou Huerta: Con dude. His concert



01:16:20.650 --> 01:16:27.329

MaryLou Huerta: went to his concert man, living my best life. I'm not even lying like Mr. Worldwide.



01:16:27.710 --> 01:16:28.820

Akil Hill: Okay. Okay.



01:16:28.820 --> 01:16:30.840

MaryLou Huerta: Fireball. He



01:16:31.600 --> 01:16:44.239

MaryLou Huerta: listen to some of his like. He puts out a lot of motivational stuff out there. Like his Tiktok, his Instagram. He's like very positive and motivational. He does a lot of things for like kids in the community. Love me, Mister Pitbull.



01:16:45.080 --> 01:16:55.019

Hong Lieu: So from a folklotical perspective, is there like a classic like textbook jam that like to get to that? Everyone just loves to dance to universally, or they all because I mean a lot of.



01:16:55.020 --> 01:17:08.190

MaryLou Huerta: Florico is very traditional dance. They're very traditional dances. So more so to answer your question, I'm going to just say, my favorite region or state. My favorite region to dance to is Jalisfel.



01:17:08.240 --> 01:17:16.049

MaryLou Huerta: They're bright, beautiful colors. They're the big skirts, a lot of footwork, but I love the skirt work, and I love Mariachi.



01:17:17.020 --> 01:17:28.970

MaryLou Huerta: So to me it's going to be Jalispo, because that represents I love colors. I love the bright like the vibrant, the happy music, and I love Mariachi so.



01:17:29.530 --> 01:17:30.420

Akil Hill: Okay.



01:17:30.420 --> 01:17:31.720

MaryLou Huerta: I would say, like Marie.



01:17:31.720 --> 01:17:35.180

Akil Hill: I thought you would. I thought you were gonna drop group of the limite on this.



01:17:35.590 --> 01:17:36.000

Hong Lieu: Quit.



01:17:36.000 --> 01:17:39.750

Akil Hill: Limits. Amen, man, I used to listen to that back in the early.



01:17:39.750 --> 01:17:47.940

MaryLou Huerta: I mean Ricky Martin, like remember Rick and Martin back and like I mean, that reminds me of like being a kid again, and like growing up listening to all that right.



01:17:47.940 --> 01:17:48.290

Akil Hill: Yeah.



01:17:48.290 --> 01:17:54.449

MaryLou Huerta: I thought a lot of like my sister, you know they were all into, you know, old school hip hop, which was the jam.



01:17:54.940 --> 01:17:55.580

Akil Hill: You know.



01:17:55.580 --> 01:17:59.949

MaryLou Huerta: Like Tlc. Brandy, you know. Nw.



01:17:59.950 --> 01:18:00.670

MaryLou Huerta: A.



01:18:00.670 --> 01:18:01.789

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.



01:18:02.640 --> 01:18:09.849

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, curio dude like all of like that. I remember all of that like that. But I also had a lot of that mixture, too. But then



01:18:10.210 --> 01:18:12.980

MaryLou Huerta: in the car, and my dad was listening to radio Bronco, you know.



01:18:12.980 --> 01:18:14.700

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.



01:18:14.700 --> 01:18:16.029

MaryLou Huerta: A little bit of everything.



01:18:16.963 --> 01:18:18.830

Hong Lieu: That's what.



01:18:18.830 --> 01:18:19.969

MaryLou Huerta: There's broncos.



01:18:19.970 --> 01:18:20.470

Akil Hill: There's.



01:18:20.470 --> 01:18:21.900

MaryLou Huerta: Radio laser.



01:18:21.900 --> 01:18:22.859

Akil Hill: Yeah, there's low ball.



01:18:22.860 --> 01:18:23.930

Akil Hill: Yeah, global.



01:18:24.150 --> 01:18:26.120

Akil Hill: Yeah, those bookies.



01:18:26.510 --> 01:18:30.190

MaryLou Huerta: Do los bookies actually took my parents to Los Bookies.



01:18:30.190 --> 01:18:31.170

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, really.



01:18:31.170 --> 01:18:35.820

MaryLou Huerta: yeah, my mom had never gone to A. Neither of them have actually had ever gone to a concert.



01:18:35.820 --> 01:18:36.599

Hong Lieu: Is it recent, or.



01:18:36.600 --> 01:18:39.129

MaryLou Huerta: Time ago. Was it like 2 years ago, a year.



01:18:39.130 --> 01:18:40.939

Hong Lieu: Did they do? The the one at Dodger Stadium, the.



01:18:41.315 --> 01:18:43.940

MaryLou Huerta: No, they were at so by so.



01:18:43.940 --> 01:18:44.380

Hong Lieu: My whole.



01:18:44.380 --> 01:18:48.189

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah. Lafc, yeah, at Sofi or no. The Coliseum.



01:18:48.190 --> 01:18:50.240

Hong Lieu: Bank of Bank of America. Oh, okay, yeah.



01:18:50.240 --> 01:18:53.169

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, the Coliseum cause. That's the Coliseum's right. Next to



01:18:53.810 --> 01:18:55.440

Akil Hill: Usc, Usc.



01:18:55.440 --> 01:18:58.100

MaryLou Huerta: Right where lafc play over there.



01:18:58.100 --> 01:18:58.449

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah.



01:18:58.450 --> 01:19:00.010

MaryLou Huerta: The Coliseum they had



01:19:00.750 --> 01:19:06.450

MaryLou Huerta: in their whole life, you know my dad just turned 82 had never been to a concert in his life so took them lot



01:19:06.820 --> 01:19:08.789

MaryLou Huerta: like 2 years ago, 2 years ago, I think.



01:19:09.030 --> 01:19:12.709

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, that was really cool. That was really cool to see them just enjoy that.



01:19:13.090 --> 01:19:14.209

Hong Lieu: Took him to the 1st concert.



01:19:14.210 --> 01:19:14.920

MaryLou Huerta: That you know.



01:19:14.920 --> 01:19:16.680

Hong Lieu: Call them, call them from the Vatican.



01:19:16.680 --> 01:19:17.260

MaryLou Huerta: I'm not.



01:19:17.260 --> 01:19:17.859

Hong Lieu: The Great.



01:19:17.860 --> 01:19:18.220

MaryLou Huerta: It.



01:19:18.220 --> 01:19:20.380

Hong Lieu: Grade a grade. A Child. Child work.



01:19:20.380 --> 01:19:21.210

MaryLou Huerta: Thanks.



01:19:21.680 --> 01:19:26.140

Hong Lieu: Vatican, taking on the my 1st concert. No problem, no problem.



01:19:27.030 --> 01:19:41.889

Akil Hill: Wait. I gotta ask. I gotta jump in and say this. Speaking of Tiktok, have you seen? I I don't know even know what it's even called. I don't know if there's a word in Spanish for it, but like there's like these, get downs like in this at certain Major swap meets, and they're all dancing to music.



01:19:41.910 --> 01:19:43.660

Akil Hill: And there's like, literally like.



01:19:43.870 --> 01:20:11.110

MaryLou Huerta: Okay. So at the Santa Fe Swami in like la, I think. Yes, those are like, so La has some real big swap meets, and they are like they're swap meets. But they're not. They are swap meets. But they're like set up like establishments. I mean, you can find like they have multiple like full on restaurants in their stores. And yeah, Snoop actually made an appearance at one of them, and they get down. And they're like selling like Micheladas.



01:20:11.200 --> 01:20:16.070

MaryLou Huerta: And you can interpret a Michelada to whatever you want it to be, to be appropriate for this podcast.



01:20:17.140 --> 01:20:18.490

Akil Hill: Voices.



01:20:18.764 --> 01:20:27.259

MaryLou Huerta: But yeah, they get down. A lot of those are in La. I've been to one of them, and it was like Near East la, or downtown. La! It was crazy.



01:20:27.580 --> 01:20:35.149

MaryLou Huerta: My husband's cousins took us because they live right there, and I was like, what is it they were doing like pony rides.



01:20:35.150 --> 01:20:35.969

Akil Hill: Yeah, yeah.



01:20:35.970 --> 01:20:40.220

MaryLou Huerta: There were people outside selling driver's license and other things. It was very interesting.



01:20:40.220 --> 01:20:40.900

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah.



01:20:40.900 --> 01:20:43.620

MaryLou Huerta: Good. It was good times. It was good times.



01:20:44.030 --> 01:20:44.900

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, lots of good stuff.



01:20:44.900 --> 01:20:45.470

MaryLou Huerta: X.



01:20:45.640 --> 01:20:48.960

Akil Hill: Always see them dancing, live on Youtube like showing them, getting down.



01:20:48.960 --> 01:20:49.750

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, yeah.



01:20:49.750 --> 01:20:50.969

Akil Hill: And I was like, that's cool.



01:20:51.780 --> 01:20:53.129

MaryLou Huerta: Yeah, it's cool.



01:20:53.130 --> 01:20:56.966

Hong Lieu: I would definitely do my best to get as much of that in the show notes as possible.



01:20:57.180 --> 01:20:57.849

Akil Hill: Is it like the.



01:20:57.850 --> 01:20:58.830

MaryLou Huerta: World's longest podcast.



01:20:58.830 --> 01:21:00.490

Hong Lieu: No perfect perfect length.



01:21:00.490 --> 01:21:01.020

MaryLou Huerta: Okay.



01:21:01.020 --> 01:21:05.590

Hong Lieu: And and wrapping up. Now, thank you so much, Mary Lou, for taking the time.



01:21:05.590 --> 01:21:06.750

Akil Hill: Thank you. Mary Lou.



01:21:06.750 --> 01:21:09.710

MaryLou Huerta: It was an honor to have you any last words before we say.



01:21:09.900 --> 01:21:11.799

Hong Lieu: Say bye, bye! To the listeners.



01:21:11.800 --> 01:21:41.120

MaryLou Huerta: Thank you for your for doing the work you guys are doing honestly like this is so awesome. This is so fun. Thank you for inviting me, and I will say, cause I was nervous. So I was like, I popped into Akil's office earlier, and I was like, What am I? Gonna and it was like, he's like, dude. What we're doing right now, this is it? And and then I had to remind myself like, that's right. Anytime. I had, you know, Pop, by Akil's office, or anytime hong like you're God. You're so patient with these, with us, learning it and just learning. You know how to master the web.



01:21:42.090 --> 01:21:53.109

MaryLou Huerta: we always had such fun conversations like just such fun. And you know, just getting to know you guys through work. And you guys are just truly awesome guys and thanks for doing this. And you know.



01:21:53.310 --> 01:21:55.200

Akil Hill: Yeah, I hope we never lose you guys.



01:21:55.370 --> 01:21:56.810

MaryLou Huerta: These are great. Those are a good time.



01:21:56.810 --> 01:22:17.449

Hong Lieu: Likewise. Likewise you absolutely because you do a lot of heavy lifting over there. You know one of the hardest working people in show business, because your work directly helps with, you know, getting high schoolers in the community and outside the community as well to know more about Spcc and see what an awesome place it is, and how it's really perfect for their their next step in their educational goals. So.



01:22:17.450 --> 01:22:18.580

MaryLou Huerta: Thank you to them.



01:22:19.260 --> 01:22:19.980

MaryLou Huerta: Can you make it.



01:22:19.980 --> 01:22:22.119

Akil Hill: Invite me for 2 food tours.



01:22:23.040 --> 01:22:23.480

MaryLou Huerta: Oh!



01:22:23.480 --> 01:22:47.730

Hong Lieu: No, you're going to help lead. You're gonna help lead it for sure. Because, again, what helps with this, the high school students and what helps with a food tour as well, that realness, that that knowledge that haven't walked that path yourself. You know exactly what you want. You know how to get it. You know what you you know, how it is going to break down and how to make it all fit in a good, well organized time, because that's where I slip up. Is you talk about your really good planner. I know I have a lot of good ideas, but I'm very, very bad at planning any.



01:22:47.730 --> 01:22:50.880

Hong Lieu: Yeah, expertise will definitely be needed.



01:22:51.370 --> 01:22:53.560

Hong Lieu: So yes, thank you very much, Mary Lou.



01:22:53.560 --> 01:22:54.569

Akil Hill: So much Mary Lou.



01:22:54.570 --> 01:22:55.659

Hong Lieu: Thank you. As always. Akil.



01:22:55.660 --> 01:22:56.740

MaryLou Huerta: Were you going to say.



01:22:56.740 --> 01:22:57.900

Hong Lieu: Oh, yeah. Go ahead.



01:22:58.591 --> 01:23:04.127

Akil Hill: no, I was just gonna say, we gotta maybe do like a food truck. Taco, crawl



01:23:05.210 --> 01:23:10.140

Akil Hill: down Oxnard Boulevard, because there's there's few trucks down there that.



01:23:10.140 --> 01:23:10.560

MaryLou Huerta: Oh, yeah.



01:23:10.560 --> 01:23:13.790

Akil Hill: They get down, so wear my stretchy pants for that.



01:23:16.060 --> 01:23:18.939

Hong Lieu: All my pants stretch now, that's all I got.



01:23:19.720 --> 01:23:21.799

MaryLou Huerta: It's even the jeans.



01:23:22.095 --> 01:23:25.400

Hong Lieu: Okay, okay. Y'all until next time. This was Vaquero Voices. Take care everyone.



01:23:25.400 --> 01:23:26.080

Akil Hill: Peace.



01:23:26.580 --> 01:23:27.510

MaryLou Huerta: Bye, guys.